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Answered Production rates


Can someone explain the system behind the production rates? I observed in the wiki that the max production of certain goods differs depending upon whether you are elf or human. For instance, humans produce way more planks and marble than elves, but the same amount of steel. Elves produce more scrolls, humans more silk . Elves produce more elixir.

It seems to me that, for example, an elf with boosted goods wood, silk and gems, for instance, are at a disadvantage compared to elves producing steel, scrolls and elixir. At the same boost rate, my elves produce 86 planks/3 hrs at level 10 compared to my humans yielding 144/3 hrs steel at level 7.

I feel like I am missing something obvious, so if someone can explain this for the dummies among us, I'd be grateful :)


Yes..You are just missing the production per tile and population required for each manufactory..Level 15 marble manufactory for elves occupies 6 tiles(2 * 3) and needs 356 population and produces 173/ day..for humans it occupies 12 tiles(4*3) needs 775 population and increase in culture too..so the production per tile is around 29 for both..Same is the case for other goods too..You are right in the sense an elf with elixir boost will produce more elixirs than humans with the same boost for the same number of manufactories but the size,population and culture differs.Hope that's what the answer you are looking for..


I discussed this with my fellowship some time ago and figured out the same thing what crusher81 said.
For instance, I have 36 tiles available. I want to fill them with my boosted basic goods manufactories. To produce the same amount of each goods (not taking into account relics and all manufactories are the same level) both races have to build the following numbers of advanced (may change for basic and superior) manufactories:
Steel (elves) 6 (size 2x3)
Steel (humans) 4 (size 3x3)
Marble (elves) 9 (size 2x2)
Marble (humans) 6 (size 3x2)
Planks (elves) 9 (size 2x2)
Planks (humans) 4 (size 3x3)
We had an issue in the fellowship where elves built 3 or 4 planks (or marble) manufactories and couldn't keep up with human steel or planks production.
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Thanks. I knew I was missing something but couldn't figure out what :D