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Production of Pet Food.


As I only obtain 2/3 pet food a week, I simply glance at all the new or existing pet foodies and then put them in storage. The benefits of the fire phoenix and the brown bear being stuff with food haven't been matched. INNO has correct past deficiencies in CC's and spell frags, although the MA still remains stuck on producing CC's full time. Sometime in the future, when it suits them, they will provide additional ways to obtain pet feed or fractions of feed. I'm thinking :diamond: :diamond: :diamond: :diamond: :D
That already exist, just flip the academy as much as you like with diamonds untill you get enough petfood

Silly Bubbles

An elegant sufficiency would be nice. A superfluous abundancy would be nicer.

Imagine that you have abundance of everything. There would be nothing to strive for, to play with, to look forward to, to get happy about when you finally get it, to complain about :D ... The game would just become clicking contest and very boring.
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lol Im lucky if I get 6 per month!
Let me rephrase @Silly Bubbles words.

He is ok with the ~6-8 opportunities he gets a week.
If you grab those opportunities, or if you miss them is up to the player.
He does and therefore gets the required petfood he needs.

for the record In testing I have seen it go as low as 4 and as high as 12 a week.

I wonder how much longer we will see that annoying book to swap twilight artefacts. that recipe is supressing our opportunities to get petfood and it's irrelevant. that even has been gone for like whats 6-7 weeks?
I think it's still active on beta where it's 3 events later now.

Silly Bubbles

Isnt it already?! :p

It depends how you play it! :D:p

Also, pet food will stay rare, that is, there won't be big changes as per US forum moderator:

Pet food is deliberately rather rare and no changes have been made to the frequency that it appears in the Magic Academy. The developers want players to have to choose which pets they use it on. They also do not want to make it too easy for cities with multiples of the more favorite Pets.

To increase your chances of Pet Food appearing make sure you're checking the Magic Academy regularly and have nothing cooking in the Relics recipe slot at the reset, as that is where Pet Food appears. You can also use Sips of Clarity to change the recipes for additional chances at getting what you'd like.

There will be some additional options for small amounts of Pet Food in the Future, but you will always have to be selective about which Pets you use it on, Pet Food will never be one of the items that will be easy to hoard.



Also, pet food will stay rare, that is, there won't be big changes as per US forum moderator:
The fact that X = true does not equate to X = desirable, let alone does it automatically imply that X should remain unchanged - no matter who (Forum Managers not excepted) explains the mere fact that, at present, X = true. And furthermore, we're not even dealing with a situation where X = true in all circumstances, but rather one where X is sometimes true, for some or all players, some or all of the time, according to random chance, which is NEVER a comfortable (or envy-avoiding) situation when X represents any essential, or even important, Resource - in any game at all.

In fact, I often think that it is not so much the scarcity of Pet Food, whether intentional or not, which is the real problem, but rather its unequal distribution between players, as it will always be whenever random chance is involved. Therefore, if the randomness of Pet Food distribution were entirely removed, by issuing every player, across the board, with a fixed amount of Pet Food each week, according to how many Pet Buildings they have in their City and Inventory combined, I'd think there would be far fewer debates about Pet Food in general, since everyone would find the rarity of their Pet Food to be identical, and nobody would feel (or actually be) disadvantaged in comparison with anyone else.

As an example pulled out of thin air, how about 3 x Pet Foods per Building, per week - which I'm basing upon the fact that the Fire Phoenix, at the very least, has become near-essential for anyone who wishes to score better than very modestly in Tournaments/Spire via the Combat route, which Inno themselves seem very much to promote? One could always choose to spend one Building's allocation on other Buildings, of course, whether or not one is a Combat-focused player - and I am always in favour of more rather than less choice, especially in lengthy, slow games.

This would seem at least an equitable solution, even if there would probably still be some dispute about how many Pet Foods each player should receive - and I myself (as a primarily Combat player) would certainly find this limit low enough to ensure that Pet Food would still be regarded as 'rare', if that really has to be the case - although why that should be so important I really cannot understand, since equality is equality, after all, whether in wealth or in poverty (in non-real video game pixel terms, that is... real-world wealth vs poverty is a different debate entirely!).

The ideal solution from my own perspective would be:

1. To stop issuing so many NEW Buildings which require Pet Food - most Cities cannot even accommodate the existing number, after all;

2. To repeat at least annually, and probably more often, the chance [especially for new players or those who missed the Event(s) concerned] to acquire the most vital Pet Buildings, such as the Fire Phoenix and Brown Bear, for free, by means of completing the same Quests originally required (NB: these Buildings are already offered for purchase at least once a year, so the common argument that doing this is in some way 'unfair to original Event winners', and/or would render some players 'Overpowered', doesn't actually hold water);

3. AND to allow at least 7 Pet Foods per week per Building, so that players who have spent much time, effort, and/or money acquiring these Buildings can at least USE their activated abilities freely, and thus actually enjoy what they worked so hard (or paid so much) to own.

However, I very much doubt that any of this will happen - and certainly not while Inno sells Pet Buildings for cash, and also offers Pet Food in exchange not only for Diamonds, fairly often, but sometimes for real money, too, in the cash-only Sales which I now see with increasing frequency.
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Silly Bubbles

Thank you for your great sounding view. It still doesn’t change the fact that if everything was easy to get, the game would become boring. There always needs to be something rare or hard to get to make the game challenging and therefore entertaining. This is exactly the same issue as players have in regards to not enough space, not enough troops, not enough birds/bears, not enough goods….

In regards to fairness, I have a quite different point of view. I see fairness as being based on deserving or earning something rather than everyone getting the same regardless of the effort.

Also, I was just stating the facts and didn’t add any personal judgment. I can imagine that there’s a lot of different adjectives to describe the situation based on people’s personality.
1. To stop issuing so many NEW Buildings which require Pet Food - most Cities cannot even accommodate the existing number, after all;
Although, from a different perspective, gaining a new building (of any sort) is a prize that does not require the recipient to place it in their city. The game does provide the option to disenchant unwanted buildings and gain spell fragments. :cool:


@Laurelin Thank you for your great sounding view.
That's subtle... but I get it, don't worry! And you're welcome... ;)
A better - well, certainly more expansive - reply is possibly in the offing, if or when I work up the enthusiasm to write it all down... but right now, sleep calls (yep, at 3:30 pm - who doesn't love the lack of commitment and ability to suit oneself, once the kids grow up?!). But meanwhile:
It still doesn’t change the fact that if everything was easy to get, the game would become boring.
Hmm - do I spy a 'personal judgement', somewhere in there?
There always needs to be something rare or hard to get to make the game challenging and therefore entertaining. This is exactly the same issue as players have in regards to not enough space, not enough troops, not enough birds/bears, not enough goods….
For some reason this isn't said anywhere near as often on these Forums as it is on those of other, similar, Free-to-Play games which persistently bring up the topic of 'in-game balance' while simultaneously placing literally no limits on how much of the game can also be paid for - even its competitive elements - should any given player so wish (and have deep enough pockets, of course), so I may as well say it now: you really should, at least once, propose this opinion to the owners of what were once, and perhaps (?) still are, commonly called 'Blue Cities', which typically reside at the top of the Rankings List on most Elvenar Servers, resplendent in their expensive magnificence - even though even we cashless plebs can also now earn a fair few Diamonds by spending a great deal of time and/or in-game Resources grinding away diligently in the Spire, as a small consolation prize... :D

And tempting though it is to go on (and on, and on - rather like the Duracell Bunny, really!), I'll be off to snooze for a bit, now!


Would some of those adjectives be unprintable? :p
Here, probably - but on most of the other game Forums I frequent, no, not at all... and much lively debate thus often ensues! :D


That's subtle... but I get it, don't worry! And you're welcome... ;)
A better - well, certainly more expansive - reply is possibly in the offing, if or when I work up the enthusiasm to write it all down... but right now, sleep calls (yep, at 3:30 pm - who doesn't love the lack of commitment and ability to suit oneself, once the kids grow up?!). But meanwhile:

Hmm - do I spy a 'personal judgement', somewhere in there?

For some reason this isn't said anywhere near as often on these Forums as it is on those of other, similar, Free-to-Play games which persistently bring up the topic of 'in-game balance' while simultaneously placing literally no limits on how much of the game can also be paid for - even its competitive elements - should any given player so wish (and have deep enough pockets, of course), so I may as well say it now: you really should, at least once, propose this opinion to the owners of what were once, and perhaps (?) still are, commonly called 'Blue Cities', which typically reside at the top of the Rankings List on most Elvenar Servers, resplendent in their expensive magnificence - even though even we cashless plebs can also now earn a fair few Diamonds by spending a great deal of time and/or in-game Resources grinding away diligently in the Spire, as a small consolation prize... :D

And tempting though it is to go on (and on, and on - rather like the Duracell Bunny, really!), I'll be off to snooze for a bit, now!
Well with enough effort even some pleb without cash can unlock all those blue goodies. to be fair it takes time, plenty of time but it is doable.
I even have an excess of diamonds. I spend 21000 diamonds on the phoenix event.
I even bought the royal prize, and recently bought the dwarven armour and 30 sips of knowledge that they offered in recent times. there is more diamonds than I simply can spend.

I own 7 magical workshops and 28 magic residences (almost all bought with diamonds 2 houses 3 workshops from spire) and have unlocked all premium expansions.
Off course this is not easy nor quick if you arent a powerplayer. but you can powerplay yourself trough the game with relative ease if you know what to do.

I so wish we would get building skins, I actually HATE those blue cities, there is so little individuality it's all boring and blue(same with regular ones). I would love even if it's a quarter per residence/magic qorkshop with no diamond possibility I would probebly buy it, as long as it's "cheap" to my standard not inno's

I would love to permanently give it a red/yellow/green/orange or whatever roof to break up the monotome colors and make your city unique again.
I loved the color scheme of dwarven residences. and had red en shiny blue residenced in alternating patterns for a while just because it looked awesome.

Autumn Breeze

Well with enough effort even some pleb without cash can unlock all those blue goodies

I so wish we would get building skins, I actually HATE those blue cities, there is so little individuality it's all boring and blue(same with regular ones).
Yes, as a beginner, I started off with the Beginner Pack, which included, I think it was 7 Magic Residences and 3 Magic Workshops...
It would be so nice to give them a skin to make them look like a beautiful magic residential tree...