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Answered Pilgrim's Manor


Hello and need some help in the layout (with pictures if possible) for all 7 buildings that comprise the Pilgrims Manor set so they they all touch.



Hope this helps. You'll have to figure out the buildings from their footprint.
It's easier this way than having all the buildings visible.


Thank you Jake..so do you know how many squares it takes total ..looks like 8 x 5.
And question do I place the manor and according to the little arrow things place the rest of the building accordingly?


Jake65..I have worked it all out and everything fits and touches. Thank you so much for the help. How I have them placed it uses 8 x 5 squares.
Merry Christmas
Rainbow 706


@Rainbow706 pleasure :)
Some of the buildings can be swapped around within the 8*5 space so just be sure they're touching the correct number of other buildings to get the maximum set bonus.
You probably know this but it doesn't matter which building touches a road, any one of the set is fine.


@Rainbow706 for future set buildings....if you have one of the buildings placed in your city, you can always click on it and it will give you a pop up where you can click on set to show you the complete set layout Screenshot (3).png

if you have all the buildings in storage still and want to know layout of the set, just click the blue i Screenshot (2).png located on one of the buildings in storage and then click the blue i Screenshot (2).png again to see the layout