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No Drama - (Rec. 6) Needs a few good players like YOU.


It is recruiting time again and we'd like to bolster up a bit. We are a very active bunch who visit our fellows and neighbors daily, pick up our collections a couple times a day and take a little time for chatting now and then. Even though we are a few short right now, that hasn't slowed us down any. We are still getting 10 chests weekly in Tournament, pulling silver in the Spire and we did very well in this past FA. We don't have stringent rules, although there are a few. We do expect every member to contribute at least 1000 points (minimum) in tournament each week (easy for most), we expect members to show up and visit all fellows 5-times a week (minimum) and we do expect courteous and respectful behavior between members, especially in public chat. We encourage Spire participation, but this is not a requirement as of right now. Although not required, we also encourage chatting. As the fellowship name suggests, no drama is tolerated whatsoever. We have members at almost every level of the game, both elves and humans, some younger ones and some "mature" ones. What we need and want are a couple of people who love this game, want to continue winning great prizes and work toward even better ones and enjoy spending a little time chatting. The ideal candidate would have one or more of the following boosted goods: marble, silk and/or elixir. Did I mention we like chatters? We could also take a couple players who are looking to move together. If you want a chance to show us what you've got you can either apply directly or respond to me here or contact Archmage John308. We look forward to hearing from you!