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Night Elves, Arendyll - a great place to be.

Are you an active player who trades fairly, and enjoys the company and support of a great fellowship? Do you like participating in team pursuits such as Spire and Tournament? If so, please consider applying or sending me a mail message.

We have one vacancy at the moment, with a couple more opening in the very near future.

2023 will be another fun year for Night Elves fellowship. Come and join us. :)

There are four (4) vacancies, so bring a friend who also likes to play and be part of a friendly and genuine group.


One place available, October 2023.

Check out our FS profile. We are ambitious, but not fanatical. Regular established players especially welcome.

Hi to all active players in Arendyll. Night Elves FS has three (3) vacancies. Come join us and bring a friend. :)

Our profile:


No stress, no mess. Members need to stay active and trade fairly. Night Elves is a respectful, supportive, and ambitious Top-100 fellowship.

Tournament participation is always a friendly and competitive experience. A minimum score of 1,000 from each member is required each week, with larger city players (>300K) needing to contribute much more. Smaller (<100K) cities need to participate to the best of their ability. We expect to attain ten chests each week.

The Spire has become a major activity for Night Elves. We try for a Gold Spire effort each month or so, when all members are called upon to reach their highest level possible. The target is to reach the High Halls as a start, and the top of the Spire where possible.

The fellowship is full of the best and nicest players that one could hope to find.

Note that we do not operate KP threads or any mandatory donations scheme. Night Elves support each other when possible, and freely given donations to other fellows' Ancient Wonders are always appreciated.

Archmage, SkyRider99
October 2023