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News from Beta (forum) about a new feature


"Dear Humans and Elves,

Next week we are adding on our Beta server an inventory search bar for all browser players. This feature is already available on Mobile.

Another feature we're planning on releasing on Beta next week is an Ancient Wonder contribution overview.

Kind regards, Your Elvenar Team"





The part with the wonders, tbh, is not very clear for me. Who are those Lobsters? Why some are black and some are grey?
I guess the rest we will understand it once is implemented. I am sure we will have a "trial & error" session and nothing from Inno. :D


Yes, It seems that this is not an overview of our own AWs, but rather of the AWs where we have invested KPs. So the Lobster thing is the name of the player in who's AW we have invested, then we have the number of points invested, the progress bar of the AW and what chest we'll be getting if no one pushes you down.


The way it looks, it seems, it's a list of wonders where you've donated and the reward you are going to get (at that point). In this case, those wonders belong to LobsterGrey and LobsterBlack (hence the confusion). For example, last wonder - MM - has 6 KP in the column of KPs and in the bar with donation, are also 6 out of 179.


Haha, but it's a dark and a grey lobster, I'm sure they are good at hiding in shady corners of the map :D