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Answered New phone, who dis?


Anybody have an idea who's lurking at the bottom of this pic?
They appeared in the last hour or so.
Too early for the new event and the Season and Chapter quests are already there.
{insert shoulder shrug emoji here}



I think they are extra quests that have been added to ch 6 - 10 that have been reworked possibly.
Ah, right, thank you. Now that I think about it, I read somewhere about changes to the quests for earlier chapters that would/might appear for cities that had moved passed those chapters.
Free stuff always welcome :D


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
And to add:

  • Up to 3 retroactive Story Quests from chapters 7 to 9 – complete or skip for flexible gameplay.
  • 7 fresh yet nostalgically themed Fairy-chapter quests – your choice to play or ignore.
  • Opportunity to tackle 5 additional quests with each Fairy Ancient Wonder placement, offering substantive rewards – all optional.



Okay, done. Quests presumably while researching/building the Prosperity Towers and The Bloomers.
Quite sweet of her Queen Shidhe, she gave me some AWKP and sips of clarity and then left :)