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[New Game Features] Trader tech tree


Posted from a post I made in a another thread as requested by Amy.

I think the trading system does need a bit of a tweak.
From an early point in our fellowship it was clear we were going to be short of elixir, as only about 4 or 5 of us are at the tier 3 level, we all produce dust or gems, we have NO-ONE to trade elixir with, there is one person in my catchment currently that does occasionally put up elixir trades, but 50% fee is too steep for tier 3 goods.

I too now have to look for the high gold quests so I can get 'some' elixir by the wholesaler
You could have a tech tree for the trader that does two things, a tech upgrade to let you see further out, and another to reduce the trading fee for players you haven't got to yet.

So you can say start of 10 hexes out as range
upgrade to 15 then 20 then 25 then 30
fees for towns you haven't found yet start at 50% then can be researched down to 40, 30, 20, 15.

this will make it a bit more interesting, extend the range of the trader when you need it, and make it cheaper esp for tier 3 goods.

although you may want to help players located on the sides of the map (which I think is a hex of 99 towns on each side of the six sides)

Without enabling tier 3 goods to be bought a bit more freely the game stagnates, I have built an elixir manu but that's not my boost and is very slow too.


Yes, its a great set of measures to make trading more effective and interesting.

As a minor addition, I would say that the tech tree should not give you all the added advantages on its own, but the trader building should become upgradable, having been unlocked in the tech tree. This would mean that population and culture would need to be invested in gaining the trading advantages. That improves the element of choice and any player not brothered about relying on trading could deploy their pop and culture elsewhere and so gain a small advantage.

Deleted User - 13667

Just saw this thread.

+1 for the trader tech tree.

It would be nice to include some discounts on the wholesaler too. say 5 %, 10%, 15%. Beats 1:5 straight up


As a minor addition, I would say that the tech tree should not give you all the added advantages on its own, but the trader building should become upgradable, having been unlocked in the tech tree. This would mean that population and culture would need to be invested in gaining the trading advantages. That improves the element of choice and any player not brothered about relying on trading could deploy their pop and culture elsewhere and so gain a small advantage.

I see the suggestion has already been forwarded, but I'm going to follow up on s5carrot too and +1 this thread. Brilliant idea to make the trading aspect of the game more interesting and Prendyo's feature follows up on the game's concept of upgrading buildings as well.