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NEW!!! Fangs and Fire Recruiting!!!


Fangs and Fire is a new fellowship to the EN/Felyndral world!! We have been a franchised fellowship since April 2016! We are on all US servers and on Beta too.
We are looking for casual, friendly players to join us!!
Here is our overview:

*A quiet place for casual players.
~Visits, trades and tourney help will be very much appreciated.
*A very simple 2-3 visits minimum a week will be the set "requirement". The more the merrier!
~No competition with the tournament. Any help is wonderful but this will not be a 10 chests a week fellowship.

*Occasional opt in for Fellowship Adventures, when badges are fair and prizes are wirth the effort.
~Fair trades or better and post cross trades sparingly at 3 stars.
*Elvenstats (weekly scores) will be shared with the fellowship!
~Elvenar news, updates, quests, pathways, etc. will be shared with the group!

More to come soon! (Boosts, etc.)

(No bullying, drama, foul language or discussing hot topic issues. This is a place to escape real world. :))
~Archmage has been playing Elvenar for 3+ years over on the US servers!
We have a Fangs & Fire fellowship in 10 other worlds!!!
On Facebook too! Search: Groups Elvenars Fangs and Fire

Join us!!! We are a huge gaming family and look forward to meeting new members! :)