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New Crafting Recipes


Yes it's been literally ages, folks but there are new crafting recipes. We get the remaining three expiring troop boost buildings from the Tome of the Fearless:
Light Melee Monument, Heavy Melee Shrine and Heavy Ranged Powerup
And the expiring 1x1 culture buildings from the Queen Faeries' Garden, Amaryllis, Begonias, Garden Stones.
Also there are new prices for Pet Food, including the use of Artifacts.
This information, is located in Undocumented Changes, read here.


And the expiring 1x1 culture buildings from the Queen Faeries' Garden, Amaryllis, Begonias, Garden Stones.
I do like this and especially being able to craft them using royal restoration spells.......I am no longer advancing in one of my cities so I sit on over 200 RR spells not being used, now I will have an use for them :cool:

edit - oops, my bad, just checked and it's actually over 300 RR spells not being used :p


I do like this and especially being able to craft them using royal restoration spells.......I am no longer advancing in one of my cities so I sit on over 200 RR spells not being used, now I will have an use for them :cool:

edit - oops, my bad, just checked and it's actually over 300 RR spells not being used :p
I remember someone mentioning that their husband was a hoarder. Who was it now......? ;)


Having new recipes is great, but if some other recipes aren't removed, it will be harder to get the military boost building.
