Just when I thought it was impossible the devs have fnew ways to annoy players! I have just seen (or rather read) on Beta the changes made to the trader in chapter 18 and I'm not definitely not moving from chapter 15... ever.
Basically to trade the new ascended goods we have some kind of new wholeseller, called the merchant, that we have to check all the time. (I think it changes every 6 hours unless someone takes your trades??) Then it's also looked for some time (or you can use diamonds/boosters?) The the amount of goods and number of trades you can pace is also limited. If all this sounds confusing it's because it is. Definitely not an improvement that makes me want to move forward. They have litterally remove the otpion (or asended goods) to tarde as much e want when we want it. Like evrytime I think they can't do wrose than waht we have, one of the devs says: "Hold my beer!"