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City Neighbourly help (handshake) icon


Would it be posible to add some setting that allows you do enable / disable the purple handshake that appears on top of a particular building in the city after a neighbour polishes or whatever he does to that building?

For me, personally it's a bit annoying that that thing appears especially if you have like 5 or 6 buildings which received the help.

Now with the new buildings from the naturally amazing expansion or whatever it is, the handshake icon appears right in front of the building, not on top of it.


I am always glad to see 20 or 30 helping hands in my city. However, I have sometimes wondered if the game devs could replace the hands with a 'glowing effect'. That is, the building that has received NH would glow or glisten more brightly. :)
Yes... Very heartwarming... to see the purple hands which don't go at all with the color and the beauty of the buildings... I mean let's face it, the only reason why a neighbour would do this is to either provide with help for your city's culture value or to either gain the prize which comes when he provides the help. The thing is, I don't need help for the culture value :D and if you want to help me, you can polish the main hall which gives me money and no purple handshake on top :D
Here's another thought for the dev team, you can make the handshake clickable, the same way the coins are from them residences. You click on the handshake, to acknowledge it, and it disappears, converting into culture value. I get that the culture value bonus from neighbours has a specific amount of time available, but this shouldn't be affected.