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New Game Features neighbour city visits bonus reworked mechanics


Lately Elvenar introduced bonus per click on neighbor cities.
BUT >> sadly only 50% of bonus from direct visit !!! >>> reasonably a lot of users where unhappy (My MH by visit gives bonus +3600 .... by click bonus (coin icon in world map) only +1800 !!!!)

EVERYONE !!! that is in fellowship is more developed than 95% neighbors !!! so by a big chance is daily visiting much more interesting cities !!!

PLUS easy collecting can make exploring map more popular ... as now I am afraid to see another city that takes 20s of my time to get bonus :/ and mechanical repeats an uninteresting situation described previously

NOW only 1/6 of cities around me is possible to be clicked (coin icon) and produce ONLY +1800/24h

WHY? I suggest that some folks still like to visit neighbors too. That is ok, and maybe they too agitate here on forum.

BUT 99% of folks have most dead cities around or when active are in much more developed fellowships.

THE PARTICULAR HELP and boost will be only like benefit of fellowship.

ITS unfair, to reduce income you where once able to get, by map visit of neighbors you don't know, but still you got the full bonus.

ENABLE coin collect in FULL amount per 24h, and the onus of fellowship is that it is particularly used to specific building, that is fair.


Hello @kjub83,

I see you have just joined the forum so welcome to you!

Maybe you would be interested to read the following post which might help with some of your concerns:

Allow me to shed some light on this.

We found some issues with the deletion of inactive accounts recently (in the last weeks) where we were not deleting a good chunk of accounts that should have been eligible for deletion. Because of this, we then turned off player deletion for the time being. We have fixed these problems with the version 1.32 update, and we re-enabled it on our EN worlds now. This is why you are seeing a lot of inactive accounts being deleted at the moment, causing many gold mines to appear.

Due to the currently active Tournament, we have not yet been able to move any players. We plan to execute the player movement on Monday, when there is no Tournament active. With this, we will move players in the outskirts of the map as close to the center as possible. We might (might!) repeat this multiple times on Monday, if we can.

We are keeping a close eye on how the three worlds on Elvenar International develop in terms of player numbers, and we will certainly make sure that new players go to all worlds where there is space to host them. Currently this is only Felyndral, but we will guide new players to Arendyll and Winyandor as soon as there is space again, to keep a steady stream of new players coming into all worlds. All in all, we expect that it'll take several weeks to get to this point (could even be one to two months), since we cannot just easily do this all in one go.

A follow-up point for later on, will be to determine if we have to maybe change our inactivity deletion criteria. The ones we currently have in place are already quite old (they haven't changed since we implemented inactive account deletion about a year and a half ago), and might be in need of an update, because while they were fine when we implemented the feature, they might be outdated now. When we do, we will of course share that information - unfortunately we cannot share any details on this right now, since the subject has yet to be discussed and decided upon.

I hope that this explains a bit how the processes work and what we're currently doing to resolve the situation that we're currently facing. :)


It might be interesting solution but - useless !!!! the one that want his buildings to be boosted !!! is in fellowship !!! and dont need map neighbors to help ... in the fellowship is chat to help too ... so on the map WE ONLY wana see gold coins to be collected in SAME amount like for fellowship neighbor help (as it originaly was help by neighbour = fellowship teammate help) ...

but I see logic in the market radius of discovered and nondiscovered neighbours ... OK
but trult after 25 visits I am realy not interested in any map neighbour visit ... just wanna collect the explored cities by single click :)