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Mysticality is Recruiting


Hi Everyone,

Mysticality is currently recruiting 3 active members who enjoy all aspects of the game.

We achieve 14/15 chests per week in the tourney.
Minimum requirement is 1600 pts (more is even nicer) :)

Gold Spire is reached 2 out of 3 weeks. Weekly Gold is the aim! Minimum requirement is defeating the Toad Big Boss on the second floor.

Last Fellowship Adventure we reached 17th despite doing a relaxed adventure.

Friendly respectful banter is welcomed. We're a really nice bunch and looking forward to meeting you.

Please contact Rosemary1301(CET) or Honeybubbles (Aus EST) in-game if you are interested in joining.
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Hi everyone,

We are now looking for one active player to complete Mysticality.

Our stats have improved and we are reaching 15/16 Tourney chests each week and Gold Spire every week:cool:

Please contact Rosemary1301 (CET) or Honeybubbles (Aus EST) in-game if you would like to join us :)