Mulberry Tree has one or two places available due to real life issues.
We are a fellowship that works together as a friendly and active team, engaging in most aspects of the game.
Fair trading and active Swap Threads keep our members growing.
Tournament, we achieve 10+ chests every week... you always get a blueprint.
Spire, Silver and a monthly Gold push.
FA we always surprise ourselves
If this sounds like the Fellowship for you, please message Greendidder or any of the Mages to find out more.
We are a fellowship that works together as a friendly and active team, engaging in most aspects of the game.
Fair trading and active Swap Threads keep our members growing.
Tournament, we achieve 10+ chests every week... you always get a blueprint.
Spire, Silver and a monthly Gold push.
FA we always surprise ourselves
If this sounds like the Fellowship for you, please message Greendidder or any of the Mages to find out more.
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