To make it fellow activity tracking/management a bit easier for mages adding a tab to the fellowship info for spire score would be very useful... it is virtuallty impossible to track on mobile as the only record is the avatar on the spire chart and that disappears as soon as spire closes for the week. Even PC is limited but at least you get a popup list of names when you hover over the avatars
Additionally for the tourney tab ... could all members get listed (even zeroes) to make it obvious who has contributedrather than having to cross reference the main list which is ranked by overall score. there would need to be a some thought as to how to record those who cant participate due to low level or on joining cooldown (grey them out or put an xx or -- in the score column)
Additionally for the tourney tab ... could all members get listed (even zeroes) to make it obvious who has contributedrather than having to cross reference the main list which is ranked by overall score. there would need to be a some thought as to how to record those who cant participate due to low level or on joining cooldown (grey them out or put an xx or -- in the score column)