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March 1st....


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
How Green is your Valley :D


For the southern hemisphere heathens ;) , what is the significance of the 1st of March?


St David's Day (Patron saint of Wales)
ps My lawn is very green. Mainly moss as it's been so flaming WET!

I would put St David's day in Welsh, but rules is rules!
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I can now clearly see the event collectables following the spring thaw, thankful for that. :)


However, the seasons work better on the 21st, 1st is too early for European and UK spring, only since the days of weather forecasting did they move it to the 1st as it makes year on year comparisons of each month easier.

For instance in the Northern Hemisphere Meteorological Spring started today March 1st but actual Spring starts on the Equinox of the 21st March, we have a snow forecast warning for next week in the UK, winter is not over yet.


@m4rt1n : I often think that modern science has a way of adding unwawrranted confusion to old concepts which work just fine without its help! As my old Gran used to say, correctly, of UK Spring-to-Summer weather : "Cast not a clout 'til May be out" [don't discard Winter clothing too early]. She grew up on a farm, and knew what happened when a late Spring frost descended upon crops which were unwisely planted too early.

And it has in modern times (according to a gambling house who had to pay out a bet on it) snowed in London in August - albeit only a few flakes :D

What I wonder is why we never hear, any more, about the apparently overdue next Ice Age? It was all the talk of the Media, back in the 1980s...