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Answered Main Hall to Footpath


Sorry for such a simple question. I cannot seem to get my footpath to join to the Main Hall. I have researched Trader and want to begin trading but I can't get the correct symbol to activate and think it's because I am not joined to the Main Hall??



you just need a pth going from one of the sides of the Main Hall to where your trader is. Your builders hut doesn't need a path, neither does your culture, so you can move them away from the paths and put your trader in..see of that works for you;)


By trader, that is a workshop or marble, or steel, or planks??

Deleted User - 1634960

Before you can start Trading, you need to build the Trader building, and connect it to the Main Hall. The trader building is located in the Basic Buildings tab of your building menu, along with the paths. It requires a fairly large area compared to other buildings, so check its size before trying to place it.