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I'd like to know you better :-)

Silly Bubbles

I just thought that it would be great to get to know each other a little bit better and share a couple of things about ourselves for others to understand where we're coming from. Maybe just little things like when you started playing, what are your priorities (we all now we can't get it all :D), how often do you play, what do you love about this game, your little quirks (we all have some ;)) or just anything that you'd like to share.
PS. Please don't share any private information to keep it safe. :)

Silly Bubbles

I've been playing for 5 years with one 6 months break. I stopped playing the first city as I hit the end of game and it got too boring. I came back because I couldn’t find a better game and started a brand new city that I’ve been playing for over two years now.
My priorities from most important to least important are: research tree (I just love to constantly build new things), Spire (to get diamonds for expansions and other goodies), events (great buildings for efficient space usage and special bonuses), tournament (mainly for blueprints and extra KPs), fellowship adventure (just for the artifacts or other missing pieces).
I collect four times a day so I’m reasonably active.
I love the challenge and the design of this game, it’s surely a game that keeps me entertained longest.
I love keeping a spreadsheet alongside my game that I constantly keep updating and calculate efficiency of everything (blushing – we really need a blushing emoji! :D ).


Master of the Elements
I, too, have been playing 5 years (a little over). I've never been into the acquisition of ranking points. My main objective is, and always has been, in the aesthetics of it. I want my city to look like a realistic, functioning place... albeit within certain fantastical constraints. That's why I don't tend to have any two buildings the same, I don't have anything in rows. I try not to have things located where they would look out of place or look too similar to what is next to them. I have way more roads than I need, because I put roads where I think they should go. I don't care if it is a culture building. If it looks like a road should go up to that building, then it will.

This always takes precedence over any efficiency or points gaining, but so long as it is within my own boundaries then I still try to be competitive as possible and have my eye on buildings and items that will be of the most use to me.


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Oooo oooo! Can Mods join in too!! :D


I've been playing for two years.
I was looking for a city builder game like Age of Empires so BigBrotherGoogle popped Elvenar into my Facebook feed :)
I'm a bit of a KP addict so I enjoy the tournaments. Impatient when it comes to getting wonders levelled up.....
I'm a late starter to the fighting aspect of the game. Spire has never been my favourite but fighting with a few boosts is changing my outlook there.
I enjoyed the Orcs storyline the most so far. I'm disappointed that "uglyful" can't be used in Scrabble :D
Shout out to the paying players who ultimately enable me to play for free. Thanks.


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Right!! Well I started my Elvenar Journey almost 3yrs ago! I was looking for something similar to Farmville as I used to absolutely love that and found this place :)

I'll be honest, when I started I hadn't really got a clue what I was doing, I totally rushed through the tutorial, being far more interested in the pretty buildings than the actual game itself. And then slowly I realised I had become addicted! I think when you wake up in the morning and your first thought is "I need to collect from my Wishing Well now else i'll miss the evening collection" you realise you have a bit of a problem! But it was a good problem! :D

I joined a fledgling fellowship and was quite content however, being all small cities it was far more focused on Trades to get through the early chapters. Fellowship Adventures and Tournaments were just something that happened but we did not compete. As my City grew I knew I needed a far more advanced Fellowship and so applied to another, and I've been there ever since! They pointed me in the right direction regarding Manufactories, Boosted Goods, Layout. Then I suddenly went from being 25th in the Tournament to being in the top 10 each week of my Fellowship. Then of course The Spire was introduced and I love that place!

I have terrible OCD so a very important part of my City is making sure it's in order! Everything needs to be in a perfectly fitted place so you can imagine my frustration when I upgrade buildings and it throws everything totally out of whack! I enjoy everything about Elvenar from The Spire, to the Tournaments, to the Events, but mostly for me it's all about the Buildings. They are beautiful! And I want as many beautiful things as I possibly can in my City! Even down the quirky Smallest Room! I'm one of these people that sometimes just zooms in, and enjoys watching the animation on one of the buildings and thinking to myself "how on earth did they think to do that?"

When I started I didn't realise about the Forum so stumbled on it by accident. Some forums are just bleh. You post a question and it doesn't get answered for months, so I was surprised to see how active the place was! When I saw there were applications for Forum Moderators I thought "why not!?" and lucky for you, that is how I came to be here, with you wonderful Friends! And you know, sometimes you can misbehave a bit :D ;) but I wouldn't change any of you for the World! You've all become a large part of my day! And I thoroughly enjoy watching you all debate and converse!

So yes! That was my condensed journey through Elvenar! Who's up next!


Master of the Elements
I have terrible OCD so a very important part of my City is making sure it's in order! Everything needs to be in a perfectly fitted place so you can imagine my frustration when I upgrade buildings and it throws everything totally out of whack!
I have OCD, but with Elvenar it manifests itself in almost the opposite way. Anyone else seeing my city will see chaos, but for me it is perfectly deliberate chaos. I don't like lines being straight for too long, or similar buildings appearing near each other.
My story starts way back with CastleVille! I was so excited playing the fanciful realm and the crazy characters of the game, I asked my sisters and Mum to join the game. I loved the graphics and the events and progress! After it was shut down, I just have my screenshots of my city to look at. I like to see how my city develops over time. Then there were brief affairs with Farmville2, Big Farm and Forge of Empires. But finally found Elvenar!! I was so addicted to playing it, I had a city till Orcs chapter and had to stop playing. Now, I am in my new city at Fairies chapter, playing since September.

I love the progress and the new challenges. I am a fighter, and have just one manufactory of each kind, but my fellowship is very supportive. I was all about an efficient city, until I looked at @Pauly7 's city. I was "awesomed" by how Elvenar cities can be beautiful too :D
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I have OCD, but with Elvenar it manifests itself in almost the opposite way. Anyone else seeing my city will see chaos, but for me it is perfectly deliberate chaos. I don't like lines being straight for too long, or similar buildings appearing near each other.
Pauly, I like the look of your Aren city with all it's little neighbourhoods.
I like green space, so my cities always have trees - I keep the willows long after it is efficient to have them and place event buildings with trees whenever possible. My cities also have permanent open green spaces. I rationalise this as keeping space for events and FAs, but really it's to give the unicorns a place to run.


I think when you wake up in the morning and your first thought is "I need to collect from my Wishing Well now else i'll miss the evening collection" you realise you have a bit of a problem!
I thought that was normal. Fortunately, as you say @Herodite, it is a good problem. :)

Dividing my days into 3 hr time slots could become a worry though. :p


I started playing Oct 2017.
Son was off to college and I was unemployed at the time.
I had played Goodgame Empire and while I enjoyed the city building part, the pvp (and bot) attacks and waking up to my city in flames a lot of the time (and needing to rebuild over and over) ruined the game for me.
I came here and I really enjoy the building without the pointless destruction.

Silly Bubbles

I like green space, so my cities always have trees - I keep the willows long after it is efficient to have them and place event buildings with trees whenever possible. My cities also have permanent open green spaces. I rationalise this as keeping space for events and FAs, but really it's to give the unicorns a place to run.

My "Dragon Forrest". Not as nice as willows but will have to do for now. There's something very calming about trees.

I’ve been playing over four years, I do it differently a bit like my real life lol. For me it’s all trial and error. Sometimes the stars align and it works well, other times I “royally mess up” and find I just wasted a couple of months, but mostly I love the interaction with my team. I’m fully aware of what I should be reading on elven architect and elven gems etc. I just don’t want to xx
P.S. Loved the wishing wells and the free diamonds, won so many I still have at least 6 on the go in my current city.