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How to recruit new Fellowship members?



I have a pretty flourishing fellowship, but I'm finding I'm having trouble filling (or refilling in some cases) those last three or four spaces to bring us up to full strength. I've tried inviting the players close to me in score without a FS, I've tried inviting players that look pretty active near me on the map, I've posted in the 'Fellowships seeking members' thread, but now I'm pretty much out of ideas. The only people that ever seem to apply are very low level (which is fine) who then drop out of playing (which isn't fine). What do I do now?!


I suppose it's about Arendyll?
What do I do now?!
Leave this (your) FS and join a big team. Sell all unboosted manufactures.
This is not ironic but practical advice.
One year I build a FS from zero. Just like you.
I still can not say that I can totally count on more than 15-18 players.
Do not buy buildings for culture with diamonds - after 2-3 chapters in the game they are already an obstacle, not help. Once you have a new building for culture, sell all the old ones and build only the new one.
Buildings from events have higher performance than buildings from the technology tree. It's better to spend diamonds there.

Of course, you can continue to build your FS. But it will not be easy nor will it happen quickly.


Yep, Arendyll! Is that notoriously hard to recruit in or something?

Thank you for the advice, but I'm definitely not leaving my FS! Just wondered if anyone had any other ideas about how to attract new members to my FS. Ty!


Yes. Arendyll is very hard in recruiting mate. I tried everything.

As you said yourself, nobody wants to leave their own FS, because you have been with the same players most likely for a very along time. You know them, in some level anyway. In our team we have very active ones & some players who just log on like 2 times a week (they must have a life lol).

As a true gamer wise would be to gather all the active players you know and form a strong new Fellowship. Then again nobody wants to leave their FS, and you would never really know if it would work out or not, You know.. elves & humans... anything can happen ;)


You could try adding "Recruiting" to your FS name so that it flags up to people searching; you could also put a post up on the forum in Arendyll Looking for Members... Arendyll is very hard to recruit in, and it doesn't seem to matter what level of Fellowship you have.


As a true gamer wise would be to gather all the active players you know and form a strong new Fellowship.

I'm ok with not being a gamer, I'll stick with the status quo! :D I don't mind people swinging by once or twice a week, I just want 25 people who don't disappear completely after a few weeks ha ha

Arendyll is very hard to recruit in, and it doesn't seem to matter what level of Fellowship you have.

That is just my flippin' luck, isn't it!


Master of the Elements
I'm in Arendyll. Recruiting can be tough, but this is the first time I've heard that it's tougher than other worlds.

Being an Archmage isn't for everyone, but if it's what you want to do then don't be put off. You have to stick with it.

Regular advertising on this forum can have some use, but to be honest it's very limited, especially when you are a small fellowship. If you want to attract new members early on it's all about playing the numbers game and putting the effort in. Send lots of invites out and also send messages saying why your fellowship is a good idea. Don't look at players close to you on the map. That's counterproductive as you can already trade and exchange neighbourly help with them.



I found it extremely hard to recruit, but then I developped an idea, to have overflows... and it does tend to work: you have a main fellowship (mine is The Vertchoux Empire) and then, you have an "overflow" - So my main is a serious fs where we have expectations about visits and participation - but not everyone can log on every now and again, so that is when the "overflow" gets useful, for people who need a rest or can't commit... ("The Green Empire") obviously people from our TGE have priority to get in TVE, and vice - versa + ranks are honoured, obviously. It does take a long time, but it fills fss eventually. hence why I now have a need for an overflow to my overflow (currently 1 person in it, The Chartreuse Empire).

it's fun!


So far I haven't been able to recruit a single player. This leaves me without trade opportunities because I am in a corner of the world and the two other active players in my neighbourhood have the exact same goods to offer. So basically I quit today and will try anew in another world.


You mean you made your own fellowship and tried to recruit others to be able to trade?

I mean, isn't it easier to join an active fellowship? That would really help you trade.
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Most of them have a rule that you need to rank higher than their lowest member, or something to that effect.


I have joined a good fellowship when I was under 1K points. If you are not looking at the top 10 or maybe even the top 100 fellowships, you can find some pretty good ones that will take you. Activity is really the most important thing to the fellowships. As it is hard to get active members.

I am also in a neigbourhood with only a few active people (and live in the hope that one day I will be moved to somewhere with more active people). Without a fellowship I would have quit the game long time ago. Also starting again gives no guarantee that you will be in an active area.

And maybe the first fellowship you join isn't really your cup of tea. You can always try another one. Just read those descriptions. It gives you an idea.
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And maybe the first fellowship you join isn't really your cup of tea. You can always try another one. Just read those descriptions. It gives you an idea.

I would also ask questions, like an interview of sorts. There are vast differences in style of play.
What do they consider to be active? Polishing (# times per week)? Building/upgrading on a regular basis (if so, how do they measure this), ranking points increases? etc.
What are their views on trading? If required, what do they consider a fair trade?
Do they require participation in Tournaments, Fellowship Adventures, Special event, etc. If so, what do they consider appropriate activity?
on and on..

The more questions up front, the better our fit is likely to be. You can also gauge if you can tolerate a non ideal match for a period of time until you find a better fit.


I'm in Arendyll. Recruiting can be tough, but this is the first time I've heard that it's tougher than other worlds.

Being an Archmage isn't for everyone, but if it's what you want to do then don't be put off. You have to stick with it.

Regular advertising on this forum can have some use, but to be honest it's very limited, especially when you are a small fellowship. If you want to attract new members early on it's all about playing the numbers game and putting the effort in. Send lots of invites out and also send messages saying why your fellowship is a good idea. Don't look at players close to you on the map. That's counterproductive as you can already trade and exchange neighbourly help with them.

I was Archmage for 6 months of our fellowship, but following a spat with a member I'm now a Mage and the fellowship founder has Archmage back. I still do all the day to day, like organising the adventure and recruiting, but yet again I have 3 inactive members, 2 of them from this forum and referred by a friend on this forum, so it's sad days for getting players in Arendyll.
Another example was that a couple of weeks ago a 2 person fellowship, were determind to go it alone and help all new players who apply. I do that, but they wouldn't join as they didnt like any rules? Our rules just say play the game basically and if you stop playing you could be removed, so where do you go from there. :confused:


Just a 'heads up' about being realistic. If you are fairly small (player or fellowship) think before going after a very high rank.
I am in a stable, high rank fs. When we occasionally have a space we get applications from players who are tiny and would not be able to reach our target which is stated in the description. We have associated fellowships that we can point people to which helps.
Even high ranked fs do not find it easy to recruit.

