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Game Freezing Feedback.


Just a ghost on your timeline
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

We are very interested in your feedback after we potentially fixed one of the more significant technical issues in recent days.

  • Do you still encounter freezing issues? (as in "The game stops, you can't do anything.")
    1. If yes, when do they usually appear?
    2. If yes, are they fixed when closing/reopening the game?
Please, leave us here all your comments about this.

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Hi, I had this problem, sometimes several times in one session. Freezing when going in/out the trader/MA/world map and randomly. For the last 2/3 days it has not happened at all. Fingers crossed


Everything is working out fine so far......my foot is still here, have not shot it off lol.......but my question is......what caused this problem in the first place, did it have something to do with the update from 2 months ago that made this happen ..... be honest, don't give me some mumbo jumbo please


Mother of the Forum!
Elvenar Team
Everything is working out fine so far......my foot is still here, have not shot it off lol.......but my question is......what caused this problem in the first place, did it have something to do with the update from 2 months ago that made this happen ..... be honest, don't give me some mumbo jumbo please

I'm going with Gremlins but I may be way off base here...

Sir Derf

At a random point into Chapter 20, INNO unveils a new environmental visual effect... Rain.

Every morning at 6AM, Gremlins randomly damage sections of road, disconnecting various buildings and requiring repairs.


I had a case of potential freezing while crafting in the MA today. Can show pics if you want to see. Could not tap the product to finish after using a speedup. Eventually logged out and in again to be able to continue.

rock stream

I've encountered a black screen a couple of times now. Just reboot and all is well.