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Open | In progress Fellowship Adventure Map display issue.


Hi guy's the map display on PC for the current FA seems to continue to highlight with movement and illumination completed waypoints, specifically the cross over ones.

To add for extra info all 6 crossover points are complete in this image below but 4 are still highlighted, I ringed them.

Is anyone else experiencing this, I have tried several reloads to no avail.

Thank you.

fellowship adventure map bug.jpg


Seems you're not the only one:


Seems you're not the only one:

No idea how I missed that post, I checked before posting, gremlins in the forum today lol :p

I also passed on the same info to support.


It's apparently also quite random which multicolour waypoints show up as finished and which ones not. Since both you (@m4rt1n) and @kimkimkim show different waypoints as finished in your screenshots than what I'm seeing:


I have the same bug, and on top of that, when I put in the last badges to finish a gate, it doesn't show it as finished. I have to exit the gate (sometimes the map too) and then comeback to see it was completed.

I also have a very vague memory of reading of a similar bug on Beta during their run of FA.


I have the same bug, and on top of that, when I put in the last badges to finish a gate, it doesn't show it as finished. I have to exit the gate (sometimes the map too) and then comeback to see it was completed.

I also have a very vague memory of reading of a similar bug on Beta during their run of FA.

Yes now you mention it, I also have that bug.