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Fellowship Adventure Cities - Show Your Work!


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Dear Humans and Elves,

It's been a while since our last Fellowship Adventure, and we're sure you are all working hard to compete for the top spot!

With this in mind, this is your time to Shine/Gloat/Advise (Delete as Appropriate :) )

Take a Screenshot of your Adventure City Set Up, tell us and everyone what works for you! Hints and Tips? Let us know! Or if you just want to show off your Multiple Manus DO IT :D

We look forward to seeing your efforts below!

Kind Regards



Just a quick question. What should you do to get ready for fellowship adventures (this is my first one).


Just a quick question. What should you do to get ready for fellowship adventures (this is my first one).
Build as many level 1 workshops and T1 manufactories (2*1 size) as you can fit.
Start 2-day manufactory productions yesterday, start the 1 day Manu and WS productions tomorrow.
Chat with your fellowship, good communication helps a lot.
Have fun :)


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
@snake123 Well I can only speak from my experience. Firstly (and most importantly in my opinion) you need to be in a Fellowship that wants to actively participate! It can be good fun and extremely competitive so it's nice when everyone is happy to pitch in!

Once you've established that everyone is on board, it's time to build :D

It's at this point in my journey that I thank the Elvenar Gods for my stash of Teleport Enchantments. I personally teleport as many Buildings that are insignificant to the Adventure into my inventory to create as much space as possible. I then divide my space into 2 parts. One for Level 1 Workshops, the other for Level 1 Marble Manus. These are extremely important! And the more the merrier!!

This is a link to our Wiki to explain the Adventures and Badges you will be making: https://en.wiki.elvenar.com/index.php?title=Fellowship_Adventures

2 Days prior to the Adventure, you will find many will place all Level 1 Manus onto a 2 Day Production to start the adventure collecting as many Elegant Statue Badges as possible!

I honestly hope you enjoy your first adventure! Come back to us after and tell us how you got on!!

P.s. @Jake65 City is a marvellous example!!

Kind Regards and Good Luck!!

Herodite :)


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
@snake123 You're most welcome! Hopefully a few more Forum Fiends will kindly add to this thread to give you a bit more of a personal insight! :D

Some players go in hard, some players just have a casual stroll through the paths. Either way it's a great opportunity for the Fellowship to come together :)


Just a quick question. What should you do to get ready for fellowship adventures (this is my first one).
@snake123 : Since this is your first Fellowship Adventure (and in case anyone else wonders, too?), I just thought I would mention that there's always the option to 'complete, not compete' - i.e. to try to win the prizes for one or more of the three Map stages, but not necessarily try to fill the entirety of each Map and/or enter the Bottomless Pit. As such, and if all your Fellowship really wants is the three Map Stage prizes, then you only need to complete one Path on each Map, although everyone who wants to win the prize for any of the three Maps needs to place at least one Badge on that specific Map.

On this same subject, placing a Badge into a Waypoint which remains incomplete when the Stage Flag is taken also counts as participation for that Map (although doing this randomly might make you somewhat unpopular, if your FS has a plan about which Waypoints to fill and/or in which order...).

Of course, some Fellowships love FAs and try to score well, and it tends to be players in those FSs who often teleport buildings out and/or rearrange their Cities in order to place FA-useful buildings - but it's worth remembering that the competition for FA Top 10 (or 20, or even 100) can sometimes be very fierce and might be quite daunting for newer and/or smaller FSs.

If you already know all of this, of course, feel free to ignore me! ^_^


Read all communication during FAs and follow the direction given by whoever is coordinating the FA.
Manage your time well so that machines do not stand idle. If you can only be on once a day, then it is better you do 24 hr productions, but do communicate with your team.

@Herodite, that Wiki site needs updating. The badges described are more than a year old.


Must not collect before the FA starts!

View attachment 6230
A bit late with only an hour and a half to go, but you can remove some road tiles at the T-junctions to disconnect the row of buildings when they're ready for collection. They still 'hold' their finished production but you can't accidentally collect when they're disconnected.
When you're ready to collect you just put the road tiles back.
I just researched Day Farm in Fairies Chapter. Holding back building them till the FA ends. Mine is a modest arrangement of ~55 workshops and ~55 Marble Manufactories. I am in a very supportive Fellowship and learning a lot about the game.

Some preparatory steps:
* In my Level 5 Magic Academy, I'm crafting PoP and EE spells.
* Have not collected the coins from Main Hall (since the announcement) and Residences (since yesterday)
* Luckily, there was a CC worth 40 VV. Crafted and holding it till FA starts.



Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
Some marvellous set ups been shown here my beautiful Forum Fiends!!

I myself haven't got a HUGE set up this time around BUT I do have an abundance of Combining Catalysts and Spell Fragments so I shall be concentrating on the Residue Badges... is everyone geared up this morning!! :D


A bit late with only an hour and a half to go, but you can remove some road tiles at the T-junctions to disconnect the row of buildings when they're ready for collection. They still 'hold' their finished production but you can't accidentally collect when they're disconnected.
When you're ready to collect you just put the road tiles back.
I was going to say that! lol