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FAs: Reward players according to activity level (as well as FS)?

I thought I'd read somewhere that FAs were changing, so that as well as the Fellowship getting rewards, players were also rewarded according to their level of activity in the FA...however it doesn't seem to be on the Forum anyplace.

But maybe it would be a good idea? I don't know about anyone else but the Fellowships I've been involved with always have several players who are really active, but some who perhaps post a single badge per FA stage.

I know these events are about "the Fellowship", but a reward per player according to activity would be nice and might to encourage players to take part more?


I'm not exactly sure what you mean by rewards....if it's something like a trophy or a personal page that keeps track of your achievements as suggested here https://en.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/celebrate-small-achievements.17435/ I can go for that but if you're looking for a reward that gives you extra of something in your city, I'm not for that....to me that's kind of like "shaming" those fellows who can not be as active, for whatever reasons, than for those who are more active....just my opinion


.to me that's kind of like "shaming" those fellows who can not be as active
I agree with you if it's a 'trophy/building' kind of thing. I'd support some item that gives a bit of a leg-up in the game though.
Be it spell fragments, seasonal petals, witch points or something like that.


The Fellowship Adventure as named is a team effort, extra rewards for individuals take from that slightly, however unused badges I would like to be turned into something dependant on difficulty, maybe some spell fragments etc.