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I suggest @InnoGames change the wording on this button.......It clearly does not cost 110 :diamond:to forge a rune.....It costs 110 :diamond:to forge a rune shard....BIG difference between the two


I should have probably mentioned this......I am well aware that if you hover your mouse over the button it tells you it is for purchasing rune shards anddddd I am also well aware that the :diamond: amount for cost decreases with every rune shard you acquire.....all I am suggesting that the word SHARD be added to the blue button so that any new person or even a long time player don't purposefully or accidentally click it thinking they are getting a rune and it's not......you still need a ticket @Silmaril


Community Manager
Elvenar Team
We have raised this with the development team, who at this time do not see the need to amend this at all as this will indeed fill the missing Broken Shard/s completely which then are turned into a Rune to fit into the Rune Wheel.
The word Rune is used when this is a guaranteed Rune being added to the wheel, as opposed to a Rune Shard which has the ability to break to become a Broken Shard instead.
Hopefully this makes sense of the wording here for the Ancient Wonder Rune Phase!


We have raised this with the development team, who at this time do not see the need to amend this at all as this will indeed fill the missing Broken Shard/s completely which then are turned into a Rune to fit into the Rune Wheel.
I'm confused @Silmaril ......It costs 200 diamonds to forge a rune, as the button says, when you have no broken shards then if I click that button it should give me all 10 broken shards for 200 diamonds, right?

Then if that is correct that means 1 broken shard should cost only 20 diamonds, right?


I'm confused @Silmaril ......It costs 200 diamonds to forge a rune, as the button says, when you have no broken shards then if I click that button it should give me all 10 broken shards for 200 diamonds, right?

Then if that is correct that means 1 broken shard should cost only 20 diamonds, right?
It doesn't look like a straight line if one were to chart it.
You need 4 broken shards @ 110 diamonds = 27.5 diamonds per broken shard.
I've got a couple of wonders needing 7 broken shards @ 155 diamonds = 22.14 diamonds per shard.
Seems like the price per broken shard goes up the fewer you need (buying bulk is cheaper, haha)
Main thing I understand is if you use diamonds to buy the missing broken shards the "assembled" shard is guaranteed to stick in the circle and not pop out and break like it can when using 10 broken shards.

It makes sense in my head, whether I've carried that across is another thing ;)


It doesn't look like a straight line if one were to chart it.
You need 4 broken shards @ 110 diamonds = 27.5 diamonds per broken shard.
I've got a couple of wonders needing 7 broken shards @ 155 diamonds = 22.14 diamonds per shard.
Seems like the price per broken shard goes up the fewer you need (buying bulk is cheaper, haha)
Main thing I understand is if you use diamonds to buy the missing broken shards the "assembled" shard is guaranteed to stick in the circle and not pop out and break like it can when using 10 broken shards.

It makes sense in my head, whether I've carried that across is another thing ;)
Yes this whole math thing is not adding up, that's why I am soo confused......basically I just want to know if I press that button, no matter how many broken runes I already have, will it give me the rest of the broken runes I need to make a rune or will it just give me 1 broken rune to which i need to keep pressing the button to get all the broken runes I need?


Senior Game Moderator
Elvenar Team
basically I just want to know if I press that button, no matter how many broken runes I already have, will it give me the rest of the broken runes I need to make a rune or will it just give me 1 broken rune to which i need to keep pressing the button to get all the broken runes I need?
As I understand it, yes.
It will fill up however many of the 10 brokens you are short and the rune shard will stay stuck in the circle.
Yes, indeedy, as @Jake65 states, the cost to create 1 Rune is decided by the amount of Broken Shards still needed.

So as your picture shows in the first post:
... you are still needing 4 out of the 10 Broken Shards to create 1 Rune for the Rune Wheel on the left-hand side.

The amount shown below the Broken Shards is what is needed to guarantee 1 Rune will be created, which will then be automatically added to the Rune Wheel, after purchase.
Ta-da! :cool:

As for the wording, our wonderful CM @Silmaril has explained the reasoning here:
We have raised this with the development team, who at this time do not see the need to amend this at all as this will indeed fill the missing Broken Shard/s completely which then are turned into a Rune to fit into the Rune Wheel.
The word Rune is used when this is a guaranteed Rune being added to the wheel, as opposed to a Rune Shard which has the ability to break to become a Broken Shard instead.
Hopefully this makes sense of the wording here for the Ancient Wonder Rune Phase!
Hope this helps! :):):)


Thank you all for clearing this up as I was very confused by it as well and never dared click the damn button lol
I never clicked it either as I wasn't prepared to risk diamonds if the shard broke.
Knowing now that the shard will stay put in the circle, it might be very useful when there's only one shard to go and I don't feel like waiting for brokens to complete it.


I never clicked it either as I wasn't prepared to risk diamonds if the shard broke.
Knowing now that the shard will stay put in the circle, it might be very useful when there's only one shard to go and I don't feel like waiting for brokens to complete it.


I wait for next tourney in that situation, my diamonds I save for expansions now I have level 5 builder and academy.