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FA - more Fellowship would be nice


It's called a 'Fellowship Adventure'. So I was thinking that a feature that emphasised fellowship activities such as KP donations would be nicer-er.

For example, I always have tons of Wonder Society badges that are surplus to need.


It would be more friendly if the FA provided a feature to trade excess WS for other badges that are in short supply.

After all, what shows comraderie and fellowship more than giving your fellow members KPs on their favourite AW? A badge trading feature would further encourage players to donate KPs to their fellowship. Now there's an adventure! :)


It would be more friendly if the FA provided a feature to trade excess WS for other badges that are in short supply.
I like the idea but it's probably too much coding and would require an overhaul of the whole FA.

There are some badges that I always have a huge surplus of like Elvarians (last FA I had over 700 left) or marbles, but I honesty don't mind. It's better to have more than to struggle like with Bracelets or Residues. If we complain that we have too many of a certain kind of badge Inno's solution will be to double the requirements (say 40 Kps per wonder badge instead of 20) and then also double the amounts needed on the maps.

It's called a 'Fellowship Adventure'. So I was thinking that a feature that emphasised fellowship activities such as KP donations would be nicer-er.
There are not many possible interaction between players (withing FS or neighbourhoods). It's mostly just KP donations and NH. So options are limited.
The most important fellowship aspect of Adventures, thought, is in the coordination and communication between fellows. I always saw it as a sort of team building exercise more than anything else.


Or even better, a "Tome of Upgrades" containing CCs, RRs and SFs to choose from. In generous quantities, haha.
Come to think of it, this would make a good event/season reward.
Hell, I'd even watch an advert or two for a tome like this :D