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Answered Elementals Layout


I have just started Elementals and having researched layouts it seems that the Manifestation of Water although 6x3 is presenting if the six side fits neatly under the canal after the portal.However,my manifestation of air is three across and six down as opposed to six across and three down!That means to fit in four of them I would need 6x4 squares just to fit those in!!
Any help greatly appreciated!


Also the Elven Architect is very useful for playing around with layouts.
In case you don't already know, from your profile on Elvenstats you can click a link to Elven architect which will load your city as it currently is.


Thank you for the links and advice!
This was the layout I was following..But of course it doesn’t work with my water manifestation going down six as opposed to going across six,and three deep you see..


Here are 2 elementals layout suggested by an Italian elvenar page:


There used to be more info on Elven Gems but I cannot get the site to load unfortunately.
Sadly Gems don't exist anymore, but you can find parts of it it on the Internet archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20230605103849/https://elvengems.com/ I've checked but sadly the layout suggestions for the Elementals is gone. One can still browse parts of it and find some useful info in there.


Unfortunately for me, the Italian Elementals Layout won't work for me. The portal on mine is palcing horizontal opposed to virticle on the layout you shared.


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