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Do you know how to register to join the Forum community?


The cats mother
Elvenar Team
If you want to participate, post, and join the wonderful discussions here, you need to register.

You are able to read the posts on the Forum when you are not registered for it, BUT you cannot join in or answer them without registering for an account!

The first step is the validation of your email address in the game. When you began playing Elvenar, an email was sent to the email address you provided, which gives you a link to click to validate your email and your account. If you cannot locate this or too much time has elapsed since you began to play, please contact Support, and they can help you to get a new validation email, which, when successful, will grant you 50 Diamonds.

Once the email is validated, registering for the Forum is very simple. Support can provide the link, or this is automatic when viewing the Forum as Valania, our Forum Guide, will ask you to join us here, and it looks like this:


Please click on "Register" and you will reach this:


Please note that you will need your Game Password for this step. Do you need help remembering it? Open your Browser Settings and find it there in "Autofill and Passwords" (Google Chrome). You then must create a Forum Password. It must be different from your Game Password. Accept the Terms and Conditions (don't forget to read them!), and you are on the Forum! Job done!

Please remember that this might be different when you are playing on the App.


Thank you @Solanix I passed this info on to my fellowship although I have 1 player who has tried previously to join the forum to no avail as they joined the game through a Facebook account so have no game email. Wondered if this is possible to resolve as they told me that last year support said there was nothing that could be done and have since given up trying.


The Forum Mother's Mother
Elvenar Team
This is indeed possible and we help players in this situation at least weekly in support @m4rt1n there are no blockers from our side of things but some players prefer to log in via Facebook rather than directly and not validate an email with us. Which then leads to issues if Facebook access is lost or the link broken for any reason between the accounts.
As you can appreciate without an email validated to the account, we cannot give access to the Forum, as this would be a game security breach as both accounts are now linked together since 2020, albeit with separate passwords.
I hope this helps to broaden the situation :)


This is indeed possible and we help players in this situation at least weekly in support @m4rt1n there are no blockers from our side of things but some players prefer to log in via Facebook rather than directly and not validate an email with us. Which then leads to issues if Facebook access is lost or the link broken for any reason between the accounts.
As you can appreciate without an email validated to the account, we cannot give access to the Forum, as this would be a game security breach as both accounts are now linked together since 2020, albeit with separate passwords.
I hope this helps to broaden the situation :)

They are going to contact support tomorrow, thank you very much. :)


Be better still if the button to the forum returned to the support page as it has been replaced by a discord button
once the trumpet notice disappears… hoe do I get back here ?