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Master of the Elements
To begin with this was all written at the bottom of my post about the survey, but I thought it should be split up...

On that topic of Discord, which I started to mention on the other thread... I have been giving thought to giving Discord another try. I'm not so keen on my Elvenar analysis being a fast-paced chat room experience. That's my issue. I would prefer to have a cup of tea and a biscuit and take a few minutes to write a message, then read other people's views. I have dipped into the Elvenar Discord thing a few times early on, and it just seemed a bit chaotic. I know some people (@Lelanya) urge people to be open-minded.

My issue is that this forum... I used to say it was stuttering... At this point they have the defibrillator out. There are some great people here, but only a very few. There isn't very much Elvenar discussion left here. I try and think through how that can possibly change, and I can't see that it will unless a large number of people appear and start posting about their game issues and questions, whilst at the same time a smaller group of Elvenar veterans turn up and start posting heavily in order to make the first part worthwhile. I can't see the route in my head that would get us to that place.

So is Discord a place I can go to have some of the in-depth Elvenar discussions that I used to either read, or just be involved in? I don't know. Maybe I need to find out.


That's my issue. I would prefer to have a cup of tea and a biscuit and take a few minutes to write a message, then read other people's views.
That is more my pace also @Pauly7. After 25 years of frenetic emails, SMS, and zoom meetings in RL, I am burned out. I am not looking for a new way to let a bunch of whipper-snappers kick my head in.

Good luck with the Discord excursions. @Lelanya would be a worthy guide. She would be the only reason I would begin to have the merest thought of the prospect crossing my mind.