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Disappointing so far


As an avid FOE's player for the last couple of years I must say I find this game a bit of a let down . It has no longevity prospects other than getting to the end of the tech tree. What will players do when they achieve that feat, there will be nothing left to do?? G v g has ensured that FOE players will continue to play the game after gaining all tech possible, that's what makes it a great game in my view.
Elvenar has nice graphics and a smooth engine, it's very easy to play. But I don't see people spending money on a game with no interaction other than trading goods and they certainly will not spend money on a game with such a short life. Maybe periodic elv v human wars could break out, now that would certainly spice things up a bit. My daughter started an account in A world, she has expanded a fair way on the map, and as yet not one single neighbour has helped her city. This suggests a gross lack of activity that points to people quickly becoming disillusioned with the game.
Please forgive my negative views but I would love to see Inno turn this into a game with more point to it.
Respectfully, Andy.