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Answered Culture vulture


Two years in and I'm still a bit confused about culture, more specifically, how much is enough?
Can you have too much?
Screenshot is of my current culture.
As far as I understand, one's own culture 'boost' caps at 170% of required, any further boost comes from neighbourly help.
If I were to reduce my available culture to 236000 (170% of the required), would I still have the same boost? Assuming I'm receiving the same neighbourly help.

I could probably dump all my culture only buildings (codex's, etc) and still have more than 236k available.

I suppose ultimately a space question, is there any benefit to having way more than 170% or could I use the space for other buildings?

Edit: excuse the grumpy face population, they don't like standing around doing nothing :)



@Sir Derf , not meaning to put you on the spot but you seem to understand the nuances of culture.
If you have the time and inclination I'd appreciate your input.
TIA :)

Sir Derf

Well, the nuances I've researched.

I'm not sure what the formula for how much culture is needed to earn Levels 1-4 of Culture Boost (125% - 170%). I do know it is not 125% of Required Culture. In the above graphic, "Required Culture" refers to the sum total of all the Culture needed to support all the buildings you have in your city, not the threshold for Culture Bonus.

For example, my current numbers are:
Total - 934,499
Required - 679,376
Available - 255,123

Currently, I am at Level 1, and it is telling me that

Required for current level - 260,000
Available - 255,123
Neighborly Help Bonus - 218,496

Needed for next level - 46,381

So, Level 1 = 260,000 and Level 2 = 255,123 + 218,496 + 46,381 = 520,000

I don't know where 260,000 or 520,000 came from, but it is not related to my city's current "Required Culture" of 679,376.


Mmmmm, I think I need to teleport/sell some culture buildings and see what the effect is.
In my screenshot I've got 13 EEs (13*5 = 65) and those buildings would also have NH (another 13*5 = 65) on them.
But I don't know how many other buildings have NH on them.
And then the culture value of the each building is also unknown without checking each one. Crikey!!
Will have to dig deeper....

Thanks for the reply @Sir Derf

Silly Bubbles

It really depends whether you’re short of supplies and coins. In case you’re fine then I’d sell all the previous chapter ones and then calculate culture per square for the rest and only keep the ones with highest values. Or you can sell the small ones and keep the big ones as they give you higher culture boost per visit polish. Also, you can start selling the buildings gradually as you said and see what effect it has on your city and then decide whether you need to sell more or not.
I wouldn’t use teleports on culture buildings as they are easy to get but your situation might be different.


I only teleport high cost culture buildings if I have a lot of Teleport enchantments. If I don't use them again I disenchant to get spell fragments.

As @Silly Bubbles says, most culture buildings can be easily replaced. It is encouraged to regularly replace old culture buildings with newer and better culture buildings, as they become available in research for example.