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Crowd Source data collection for the next Sppoky Forest-style event

Sir Derf

So... this will be what, the third? fourth? Spooky Forest style event. And I realized there's an aspect of this event that, as far as I know, has not been investigated and reported.

How does the game generate the map? As far as I know, the map does not generate drop-dead dead ends (cul-de-sacs that are longer than the screen is wide, such that you can't back out), nor does it create inaccessible squares fully enclosed by blockages. Is the map fully deterministic, identically arranged for all players, or is there a set of pre-made map segments that are mix-and-matched as you scroll along? Are the chests randomly placeable on any square, randomly placeable on certain squares, or always in fixed locations?

Optimizing tool purchase and use could be worked out if we have better knowledge of the map generation method.

I propose the following standard of reporting:

- = Empty square
X = Blocked square
S = Friendly Spirit (Blue Cat)
A-L = each of the Lost items
? = Unsearched Misty Square

Sample map (place in Inline Code so that all characters are fixed width):

-XA-S- --XX-X --S--- ----E- -X--XX -GX-X?

A - Green Round Pumpkin
B - Orange Round Pumpkin
C - Green Pear Pumpkin
D - Green Tome
E - Orange Tome
F - Blue Tome
G - Green Cauldron
H - Orange Cauldron
I - Blue Cauldron
J - Green Skull
K - Orange Skull
L - Blue Skull

Sir Derf

About 5,500 Ingredients, received 10 Headless Halloweens, and I mapped as I went along.

I'll try and distill my information and share it soon.

Sir Derf

Well, I transcribed fairly well. I apparently have a hiccup or two in my notes over 374 columns, but working around those, this is what I found.

Our view of the forest is a 6 tall by 8 wide window. For me, after the first 16 columns which were denser in boundaries than the rest of the forest, it looks like the forest is built out of 6x8 tiles, where each tile starts with a column of blank spaces followed by a pattern of 7 columns of boundaries. I identified 13 different repeated tiles, and had two sections that I could not identify (gaps of 7 and 10 instead of 8, I don't know what happened there).

If anyone is interested, I can post my information.