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Community Survey


No community survey for me, maybe it is selective or a bug/hack???

I suggest you ask support about it.
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Sir Derf

It was all on one page... It scrolled down. Not very clear that that's how it worked, but that was it for met. 7 questions?

Thoughts -

Other/None of the Above option, but no field to fill in what "other" might have been?
Asked about Chapter 21, before Chapter 21 has gone live on my server?


Sounds like a premature release of a survey I am yet to be invited to, who knows?


I took the survey but wondered what anyone hoped to gain from it. Asking whether something was good or bad or inbetween, without any way to determine why we feel that way?
The current event, for example. It's not very different from others but I didn't like the way it locked out one of my cities because of so many quests requiring map encounters - the very high cost of those encounters in that city far exceeds any event benefits. And I seriously do not like that the key set building requires 260 points, which is not possible without a great deal of luck or diamond purchases. I'm sure this isn't the right place to say all this, but I don't see a better place.
I like that you want to hear from us, but without any depth to the survey it just seems like "the boss told me to do a survey" instead of a genuine interest in improving the game. And I suppose others would be upset at a more detailed survery....


I had 6 questions.
1. On which server I play
2. How (dis)satisfied I am with Elvenar over the last 30 days (1 to 5 stars)
3. How likely it is that I would recommend Elvenar to friends/family (0-10)
4. How I rate the Season of Triumph (Very Poor to Excellent, or not played)
5. How I rate the Aqua Splendor event (Very Poor to Excellent, or not played)
6. How I rate Chapter 21 (Very Poor to Excellent, or not played)
After answering these 6 questions, it just gave a button "Submit", so I doubt there were any extra 'pages', it was just rather short. (@Lelanya are you sure you didn't just get a "Submit" button while thinking it was a "Next" button?)

I'd say this is (close to) the worst survey I ever took. I wonder what (if any) conclusions they can draw based on the limited info these questions give...

I agree with @Mr.Dave, it seems to be a survey just to tick a box for having rolled out a survey. Either that, or they need to instruct the intern to do better :p
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Sir Derf

Clarification - for the people who say the survey won't move past page one, how many questions were on your page one?


I just took the survey using Microsoft Edge and it is exactly like how @C-Nymph says it is........6 questions that you had to scroll down to get to all of them and then the blue submit button to finish