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Closed | Archived Collecting Supplies (Warehouse)


Game version: 0.22.258-92eb3d1-(master) (2015-08-11 9:20)
Game world: EN1
Browser + version: Chrome Version 43.0.2357.134 dev-m
Flash Player version:
Operating System: Windows 8.1
Screen resolution:
Account name: Lane
Humans or Elves: Elf
Hardware Acceleration: ON

Reproducibility: 4/5

Quest title: N/A

Current situation:
  • After being offline for a little while and coming back online to collect supplies,go over the warehouse goods some of the goods will be collected while others will not collect until refresh.

Expected situation:
  • When selecting the building it should collect the ready supplies.
Reproduction Steps
Click and hover over all the buildings with ready goods, coins, or goods.
2. In my case, everything collects except a few (2-3 normally) warehouses.
3. I click on the building to collect and I get this screenshot:

Screenshots of the bug:



EDIT: It seems to just be messing up on 3 hour ques. I don't have problems on the others. I will continue to get more info to reproduce.


Thanks Lane :)
We have been unable to reproduce this issue so far - has anyone else experienced this issue?


Hi Amy,

You can move this to cannot reproduce if you'd like. I haven't had any issues within the last few days with it. Maybe it was just my internet connection. If it happens again, I will bump the thread. ;)

- Lane


Thanks Lane,

I will move it for now. Please do let us know if it happens again and I will re-open the investigation :)


Hey guys,

Since I figured out what caused this, with the help of a fellowship member, of course I figured I would share. When you're maxed you cannot collect coins or supplies (duhhh!) Which is why the workshops only collected some of the supplies and not all of them. Once you max it'll save the supplies until you have the availability for them in the future. I very rarely check my coins and supplies numbers as I usually have enough being on several times a day collecting and so forth. I feel extremely stupid right now, but please don't laugh. Hehe.

This can be moved to not a bug now that I have embarrassed myself to all of you. :p

- Lane