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Question Clarification of squad upsize please


When I started this game a few months back, the information regarding doing optional Squad Upgrades from here on the wiki and from other various sources tended to lean towards "negative ghost rider the pattern is full" Now, I'm reading from snippets here and there that the horrendous calculations involved with determining difficulty for the Spire and Tournaments has excluded the Squad Upgrades from it and it no longer matters?
So which is it? Is it safe to go back and do these optional upgrades and if so, do you actually get an advantage from them with these events?


Is it safe to go back and do these optional upgrades and if so, do you actually get an advantage from them with these events?

That is a good question. The change was made a while back. However, Inno has been known to do a "180" on decisions that they make. So, your guess is as good as any.

I have chosen to leave them un-researched. So, I would not be the person to answer the 2nd part of your question.


from my understanding.....doing the optional squad upgrades will not affect the tournaments anymore, but they will affect the spire and provinces, I'm sure someone here will correct me if I am wrong.....oh and chapter 17 here and I too have not gone back to do them, no problems here

Far Reach

I've gone back and done all of the squad size researches (up to the end of C17). I don't think that there is any downside to this.

Prior to the introduction of new tournament, keeping a small squad size was beneficial in the tournaments, detrimental to fighting provinces on the world map and irrelevant in the Spire. It also had a small cost in some other areas (e.g. with those wonders which give free units every 3 hours). The comms around the new tournament cited fixing the squad size anomaly as a driver. Subsequent to this change, the squad size is now irrelevant to tournament costs. I would be amazed if Inno go back and reintroduce the old formula.


CURRENTLY (subject to change whenever InnoGames pleases!) the only downside of taking the optional squad size upgrades is having to produce more troops for event quests. It’s because the quests ask for some multiple of your troop size (usually 3x I think). It’s not a big deal.

The upsides are several, most of them already mentioned above: wonders give more troops (based on your squad size); world map fights are easier (you bring more troops to the battle, but enemy stays the same); Troops instants give more troops (based on your squad size); Dwarven Bulwark wonder increases your training size more (based on your squad size).

Personally I’m slowly filling the researches and using them for “research a technology” quests in events, but only when I really need that.


When I started this game a few months back, the information regarding doing optional Squad Upgrades from here on the wiki and from other various sources tended to lean towards "negative ghost rider the pattern is full" Now, I'm reading from snippets here and there that the horrendous calculations involved with determining difficulty for the Spire and Tournaments has excluded the Squad Upgrades from it and it no longer matters?
So which is it? Is it safe to go back and do these optional upgrades and if so, do you actually get an advantage from them with these events?

If you read that a few month back, you read nonsense ;) The change happened half a year ago.

Until that point tournaments depended on your own SS, the higher SS the more enemies you faced.

Since the change tournaments are completely independent from SS.
Also the spire follows the same basic formula as the new tourney (and did so since it began a year and a half ago).

The question if Inno will undo those changes and go back to the old system you have to answer for yourself. If you ask me, there is a very close to 0% chance of that happening. The new tourneys are here to stay. Hopefully they will develop te new system further, but that´s a different question. The SS dependence of the tourneys was possibly the biggest source of complaints in the game up to the change, so Inno has nothing to gain from going back anyway. By now so many more people benefit from the new tourneys than suffer from it that the outcry will be far bigger if they change back than it is right now about how bad the new tourneys are lol. The only argument for a change back is: It´s Inno, they do not always do what makes sense...

@FieryArien summed up the pros (and the con) of SS since the change.

I personally activated all the optional SS upgrades the instant the testing phase was over and I was sure the new tourneys would stay. I have not regretted it yet ;)
I am still debating selling a few more AWs, because Inno has hinted at making adjustments to the AW part of the formula. But the longer they take with that the more AWs I sell ;)


If you read that a few month back, you read nonsense ;) The change happened half a year ago.

Thank you Gargon667 for your reply, I did forget to mention the information that I was reading at the time made no mention of the changes half a year ago, so please, excuse my ignorance for being a new player, I shall bow down to your overwhelming experience and take heed for future reference.


Thank you Gargon667 for your reply, I did forget to mention the information that I was reading at the time made no mention of the changes half a year ago, so please, excuse my ignorance for being a new player, I shall bow down to your overwhelming experience and take heed for future reference.

Oh my, somebody is having a bad day... don´t take things on the internet personal. Btw I never attacked you anywhere at all, if anything I made fun of whoever was posting whatever you read.
You reading false advice is just that and nothing else. It´s not your fault, it´s the fault of whoever is giving false advice, if you need somebody to blame. Otherwise welcome to the internet, not everything you read is true and going further than the first comment you read is good advice in general...


@AuroraBolt : I'm not sure how much you already know about exactly how Spire and Tournament Squad Sizes (and Catering costs) are calculated, but the following post may be useful to you in this respect (NB : I'm posting this as a link to avoid cross-posting the same info twice):

You will also find, in the same Forum post above, a link to the website of a well-known Elvenar player and statistician, MinMax Gamer, who maintains an Elvenar fan site with accurate Tournament and Spire Squad Size calculators, as well as a great deal of other 'behind-the-scenes' information as to the game's underlying functionality - for example, a list of which buildings have a chance to appear in the Magic Academy Crafting Rotation. Another website which you may not yet have visited, and which also contains a wealth of information provided by Elvenar fans, is https://elvengems.com/.

Elvenar, like so many mobile games, is actually considerably more complex than it appears. Hope this information may be useful to you.