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[City] Allow Demolition of Barracks


[Summary] - Allow us to demolish our barracks and rebuild it at will.
[Details] - The developers want us to be able to choose between a military, economic or hybrid city. Not being able to demolish and rebuild our Barracks ties our hands unnecessarily.
[Reasons for implementing] - More flexibility in designing our city based on our desired style of play. Some players currently only negotiate to clear provinces and the barracks is using up space, culture and population for nothing.
[Impact on other game features] - None.


First off, I support this idea. A player should be able to choose which path he'd like to take. He can either do military or goods production or both which most players do anyway. But if a player wishes not to participate in the military part of the game they shouldn't be forced. The barracks takes up quite a bit of space which 1 - 3 goods buildings could fit in there. If a player would like to participate in military activity at a later stage, he can rebuild his barracks as kerykeion highlighted.

Possible reasons why demolishing the barracks was never included in the game could be because of how many features it will actually affect. This doesn't just affect population and culture which will go into the negative like other buildings, but also provinces, available troops and armories.

Provinces: There are two options directly relating to the barracks when taking over a province, that being fight and auto fight. These should be greyed out and made unavailable to the player if he does not have a barracks albeit him having available troops to fight which he may have trained prior to demolishing the building.

Available Troops: A player has an inventory when he trains troops which could be made unavailable if there is no barracks in the city. A player selecting the fight option can still see his available troops but everything greyed out so nothing can be done in this menu. Makes it a bit redundant but a player might find it 'nice to know' what troops he does have still. Alternately, removing the barracks deletes all available troops - simple and less work.

Armories: The only reason why a player needs them is for increasing the training size. If a player wishes to remove the barracks, he should be instructed to remove all armories before the sell button can be selected when selling the barracks.

So yes, it's not just the case where a button can be turned on and off to make this idea happen. There are some issues that will arise if a player could sell it without adding some dev time to fix other features it will affect.

I do hope this will be done though.


Thanks for the valuable feedback Twista, you thought of some effects I hadn't considered.

Deleting troops and graying out the "Fight" button in provinces is probably the easiest to implement.

A short warning that the player needs to remove armories before removing the barracks, or a warning that the armories will become useless would also be important.


At the start of the game, you start out with two squads of 12 of the light melee troops - something I discovered only when I started on my second (and third) worlds. You can fight with those troops even before building the barracks - in fact, it's a good way to clear out the first few provinces quickly and get some early KPs.

So to be consistent, even if you sell the barracks, you should be able to fight with your existing squads, you just shouldn't be able to train more.


Thank you jixel, this proves even further that the game is not constrained technically from allowing this option.


Well if that's the case, then half the work is already done and shouldn't be much to implement if they find the idea worthwhile.


After my recent post about how unbalanced the battle system is... I would agree that being able to delete the barracks is an absolute must.

If it was brought in, I would definitely delete it and the armouries and make more factories and culture buildings in their places.

I'm done with battles. The system is totally unfair on the battlefield, so now I have completely useless buildings (useless because what they offer is pointless, and useless because I'm never going to use them anymore to make troops) taking up precious space, population and culture.

EDIT/ADDITION: I have just sold my armouries in regard to this post, and the recent post I made about the battle system. My barracks is now sitting unused, taking up space and population that I could use for factories and culture.
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This would make sense as often the squad size upgrade is a dead end on the tech tree, if we didn't want the barracks or armories then we should be able to ignore the squad size upgrade while still doing the unit upgrades in case we may want to reinstate the barracks/armories later on.


Considering I'm currently stuck on the main quest line because I refuse to build a barracks (I have no need of one as I only negotiate) and wouldn't be able to delete it later when progressing to the next quest: I support this idea!



Just to say one more thing: there is no need for forcing players into play-style that some of us don't want/like. As said ^^, Inno force us to build barrack - Inno should let us to delet it on a wish.


The main reason I see for letting people do this is that it makes people waste culture, population and space if they decide not to use the fighting system at any point. If it was "just" the space it wouldn't be quite so intrusive.


They would have to rewrite the whole tech tree as it works on fulfilling all requirements on both sides, if some people say they don't want to research the fighting side then they will lose a lot of the compulsory quests and so moving faster through the tree to AW than those who want to fight. Both sides need the goods and updated goods, not just for negotiation but also for building, upgrading and the tree itself.


@Lisica I thought this thread was about simply allowing people to get rid of the barracks if they don't want to use them (anymore) as opposed to not completing the techs not pertaining to their play style.


@Lisica I thought this thread was about simply allowing people to get rid of the barracks if they don't want to use them (anymore) as opposed to not completing the techs not pertaining to their play style.
As I understood it, this thread was about being able to delete the barracks which I'm all for as not everyone wants to fight, however if this was ever allowable then the whole tech tree would have to be rewritten to accommodate it so I don't see barrack deletion happening any time soon.


Wouldn't people just have to complete the tech regardless, the same way they complete the tech now even if they don't use armies? I think the compulsory quests may provide more an issue if they require things pertaining to the barracks/armies, as people would be forced into a stalemate on the quest front if they could not pass certain quests for that reason.


Wouldn't people just have to complete the tech regardless, the same way they complete the tech now even if they don't use armies?
Correct. As I am currently in the middle of chapter 3 and still haven't built a barracks I can confirm that this is exactly what is the case if you completely refuse to use the fight system. I do not see the need to divide the tech tree into separately researchable paths (military and non-military techs) as it does make sense to discover new militaristic capabilities from a story-driven perspective. That should not mean that you have to use them however - as is the case with the current mandatory storyline quests.

Perhaps quests such as "The Barracks" requiring you to build a barracks should be altered to having researched/unlocked the barracks. Quests demanding to complete an encounter/province by fighting should thus be altered to allow for both negotiating and fighting. Quests demanding to build military units can be changed to allow for a certain requirement of goods or other resources to be produced/acquired. Perhaps to make things more interesting it could be required to produce x amount of coins, x amount of supplies and x amount of a (random) good so that the quest is at least different to the usual 'produce x resource' quests?

P.S.: I'm aware I went a bit off topic there - so I'll just add that adding the option to delete the barracks shouldn't have any affect on what to research in the tech tree. It's really just giving the community the choice to remove that particular building if they choose to do so. Whether they must build it for quests is another story - unfortunately.
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I do think being able to get rid of the barracks should still be possible even if we were not forced to build them, since beginners won't for the most part know they will be stuck with them and whether or not you want them could very well change as you progress. Maybe you'll decide you prefer negotiating once fighting gets too difficult or requires too much space and so on. While I do use my troops, I absolutely refuse to have more than one armory as they take up too much space, so I'm more or less certain that I'll end up ditching them at some point and that knowledge makes me reluctant to waste further space, culture and population on upgrading the barracks. If I could delete them, I would just do it as it would be useful to me currently :D