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Chapter migration for some accounts


This appeared on Beta yesterday:

Dear Humans and Elves,

On Tuesday, June 6, some players that created an account more than 6 months ago and are currently still in the first few chapters of the game will be migrated to a higher chapter. This is to ensure everyone is on the same tech tree, following some changes that happened a few months ago to the early chapters to improve the experience for new players.

This update to the tech tree of the first few chapters of the game was very positive, and we now want to be sure nobody is still on the old version.
If you have the 'Neighborhood' technology in your first chapter, you will not be affected by this since you are already in the new setup. If you don’t and you are in a chapter below 6 you will be affected and moved to
  • the beginning of chapter 5, and get quests linked to chapter 4, if you currently are in chapters 1 to 4.
  • the beginning of chapter 6, and get quests linked to chapter 5, if you currently are in chapter 5.
You will get the quests from the chapter below the one you will be moved into to help you in reworking your city in the new higher chapter. Those initial quests will be easy to complete and provide resources to kick start your progress!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


those who have purposefully chosen to keep to their cities small for whatever reasons, FA's, tourneys, spire and whatever else....might find this to be a problem

Yes but nothing stopping them starting over and within a week or two getting back to that tiny city used by some fellowships just for the adventure.


Yes but nothing stopping them starting over and within a week or two getting back to that tiny city used by some fellowships just for the adventure.
true.....seems like so much work to me....I guess that's dedication :rolleyes:


Yes but nothing stopping them starting over and within a week or two getting back to that tiny city used by some fellowships just for the adventure.
Not sure if it's possible, the new tech tree is different: the Spire is no longer avalable before chapter 5, not sure in what chapter the FA tech appears...

Plus for some players (like me) there is the question of skipped techs (optional SS). Because we're all getting the new tech tree those skipped techs might be automatically completed (it happened to a player on beta, if I understood right) so if one wants them "skipped" they'll probably need to write to support.

Silly Bubbles

Not sure if it's possible, the new tech tree is different: the Spire is no longer avalable before chapter 5, not sure in what chapter the FA tech appears...

FA is unlocked in mid Ch2 and Spire at the beginning of Ch5.


Plus for some players (like me) there is the question of skipped techs (optional SS). Because we're all getting the new tech tree those skipped techs might be automatically completed (it happened to a player on beta, if I understood right) so if one wants them "skipped" they'll probably need to write to support.
but what it gives you to be skipped? I don't see any benefits of that?


This proposed migration will have a big impact on my fully functional low level cities and not one I am enthusiastic about. Various resources have been build up over time, not something easily replaced if a new city is started to fulfil a certain role. Reality is that a new city will not be the same, nor will it be able to contribute in all fellowship aspects. Guess I will have to change my name to Screwed McQuack.


but what it gives you to be skipped? I don't see any benefits of that?
Well the benefits are not that big ofc and are mostly FA related: the requirements to produce the Guard badges are much lower and, as I've recently discovered, it can be useful in the cauldron. That's also something I use only for FA, to boost the basic goods for bracelets, and having only 4 possible potions makes it much easier to only get the option I want and get higher chances at a higher boost.
I doubt there are many players who are bothered by this but, since the option to skip techs exists, I think it's only fair we get to keep it after the transition to the new tech tree :)


Well the benefits are not that big ofc and are mostly FA related: the requirements to produce the Guard badges are much lower and, as I've recently discovered, it can be useful in the cauldron. That's also something I use only for FA, to boost the basic goods for bracelets, and having only 4 possible potions makes it much easier to only get the option I want and get higher chances at a higher boost.
I doubt there are many players who are bothered by this but, since the option to skip techs exists, I think it's only fair we get to keep it after the transition to the new tech tree :)
ok, I appreciate getting more recipes on the cauldron and find it may be most useful for troops' badges, more than for bracelets. For bracelets cauldron may be useful only for small cities which can't do much fighting, its benefits are very small for goods.

There are actually different ways to use cauldron, but you can use it fewer if you don't have recipes. For example, I like also to use cauldron help for settlement, it's so slow and any help is good.

Guard badges I even don't know, they are always been one that is overproduced anyway.


About that small cities change - I think, maybe it's something not markable, something not to care about. Actually, some owners of those cities must say what they think. I don't know anyone who cares much, Maybe it changes if it's done and they feel what it means. Important is that all changes were fair, and not done without a warning period. Anything can be adapted, but it's crazy when changes come unexpectedly as important events unfold, such as the sudden increase in coin badges that came once on FA. It was very hard for middle-size cities because the increase was smaller for big cities. But even it was possible to adapt.


One of my team has built a town specifically for Spire attacks. I confess that I dont understand the logistics of that, however she believes her strategy will be destroyed by this forthcoming change.
Is there anything I can tell her or do to reassure her?
She has already said that she is likely to leave the game as construction of a new Spire town due to this change, will not give her the same or improved benefits.
I suspect I am about to lose a damn good teaam mate.
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Important is that all changes were fair, and not done without a warning period. Anything can be adapted, but it's crazy when changes come unexpectedly.
In addition to this, with changes this big it should not be ok for Inno to only announce it on the forum, since the majority of players does not visit the forum, especially not the smaller players who will in this case be surprised with a major change. It should be an in-game announcement. They can link to the announcement on the forum if they want, but sticking to just a forum announcement is not ok.


since the majority of players does not visit the forum
Agreed, announcements should be primarily in-game to reach every active player as well as here so we can 'chat' about it ;)
Just checked out of interest, there are 3986 forum members here, of which ??% actively follow the forum.
No idea how many players there are but across the 3 worlds it must be way more.