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Can I have the option to disable seeing uneven trades?

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1685
  • Start date


I hate misclicking and hitting an uneven trade when doing a long run of accepting trades.
I'm fine with doing that for clan trades, so the clan toggle check box is fine. I do all clan trades I see regardless of fairness.
It's a problem when doing long runs of open trades.
So I'd like to disable uneven trades, not all of them, trades that are 3 stars are fine, but not the 1 star or 0 star ones.
Usually I check the Demand section for each of my best goods, then do all trades that I can that are even or better, but interspersed among them are usually a bunch of uneven trades, so I would like to not see them.


This is another one of those subjects that has been talked about a few times on here and on a past live Q&A session. On that Q&A Timon said that they had some ideas about how to change the layout of the trader and introduce some filters but it seems to be another one of those things the devs say we can have but then forget about them, just like the extra storage for broken shards.


oh my god yes, i hate that shards only store to ten, and WORSE Innogames doesn't even tell you when they have hit ten, so then you waste any more shards after that, that's just poor planning