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Closed | Archived Buildings in my city are not displaying


Game version: 0.29.2193-v0.29-rc5-(master) (2015-11-17 10:15)
Game world: Arendyll
Browser + version: Google Chrome version 46.0.2490.86 (64-bit)
Flash Player version: Adobe Flash Player
Operating System: OS X El Capitan version 10.11.1
Screen resolution: 1280 x 800
Account name: LordMalkaedius
Humans or Elves: Elves
Hardware Acceleration: OFF

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: N/A

Current situation:

The buildings (as well as streets and cultural edifices) in my city are not displaying. Nor can I interact with anything not displayed (i.e. collecting coins). In cities I visit to lend support this has happened as well, albeit less consistently.

Expected situation:

I would like the buildings in my city to display so that I might interact with them again.

Reproduction Steps

I log in.
2. I see that not all of my buildings are displaying. In their place is undeveloped land.

Screenshots of the bug:

I've tried to upload the screenshots but I get an error each time.


UPDATE: I just turned on hardware acceleration, and it seems to have fixed this problem. :rolleyes:
It makes the animations super choppy but I suppose I can deal with that for the sake of normal functionality.
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Hi LordMalkaedius!

Thanks for letting us know about this, and also about the fix. Please try reducing the quality of animations in your city to low and see if that helps with the animations issue :)


Thanks Amy! Reducing the graphics quality to low made even more buildings disappear, but setting it to medium did the trick!


@Marindor -

Sort of. It was more of a mix of: buildings that displayed and could be interacted with; buildings that did not display but their coin, culture, or supply icon was visible and they could be interacted with (i.e. collecting coin); and buildings that did not display including any icon that would normally be floating above them and they could not be interacted with at all (i.e. collecting coin). Lines of streets would have sections missing but never showed as unconnected. The same happened sporadically in neighbors' or fellows' cities.

At the time of creating this thread, the issue had seemed to have been getting worse (more and more disappearances). But now, even with hardware acceleration turned OFF, I seem to no longer have this issue.:)