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Closed | Archived Building's Appearance Glitch


Game version: v1.19.3-(648c494) (2016-12-14 14:05)
Game world: Arendyll
Browser + version: Mozilla Firefox 50.1.0
Flash Player version: 24,0,0,186
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 1366x768
Account name: IBlackRose
Humans or Elves: Humans

Reproducibility: 4/5

Current situation:
Sometimes some of the buildings in my city glitchs. Some of the parts of the building dissapears or looks weird or gets mixed with the other buildings around them. After I move the building and put it where it was before problem gets fixed but happens again after some time.

Its kinda hard for me to explain this, because English is not my native language. You will understand the problem by looking the screenshots I've taken below.

Screenshots of the bug:
1)Look at the planks manufactory buildings. Residences overlapping them.

2)Here how it looks normaly;

3) Here my Great Bell wonder is bugged;

4)Here Its not bugged;

5) Residences have a problem this time :( One workshop overlapping the residence.

6) Here its not bugged.