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Answered Building sizes and mana decay


Hi all, a couple of questions for you:-

Do AWs and evolving buildings change size?

At what time UK does the mana decay happen?

Im only using andriod btw.

Thank you


Evolving buildings don't change their size and, as far as I know, neither do AWs.
Mountain Halls changes it's 'look' at the 5th(?) upgrade.


For me the game 'resets' at 1am. A new gift becomes available, trader wholesaler offers reset, etc.
I'm GMT+2 so probably 11pm for you in the UK.
I assume Mana decay happens at this point as well.
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Sir Derf

For me right now, Trader Wholesaler resets in just under 2 hours, and the Mana Decay takes place in just under 7 hours, so I'd add 5 hours to your 23:00 GMT to 0400: GMT.


For me right now, Trader Wholesaler resets in just under 2 hours, and the Mana Decay takes place in just under 7 hours, so I'd add 5 hours to your 23:00 GMT to 0400: GMT.
Where do you see the time until Mana decay takes place?
Playing on mobile which I realise doesn't show as much as PC.

Sir Derf

Playing on PC.

I can see Trader Wholesale timer when I look at the Trader Wholesaler.
I can see Mana (and other goods) Timers by going to the Research Tree, selecting a research that requires Mana, hovering over the required amount, and a pop-up appears that includes the time to Decay. (can work in other circumstances where you can see a required resource amount.)


Thanks all, I read a hint somewhere that said not to harvest mana until after the decay hence question - cheers