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Answered Bug? Wood Elves Required Quests


I have received the required quest "Have at least 20 Residences level 22 or higher."
Ordinarily, the second quest slot would be cycling through the usual "side" quests - which I use to gain gold and, more importantly, to keep up with the huge demand for supplies.
However, instead of the usual side quests, a second required quest has popped-up, "Research Woodelves Style Marble Manufactories" ( which I had already researched ), and now "Research Woodelves Style Steel Manufactories - which I have yet to do.

It will take me a long time to research both Woodelves Steel and Planks ( Planks will undoubtedly pop-up next ).

In the meantime, I will have no access to the usual "side" quests.
I will fall far behind in supplies especially, having lost my ability to gain "extra".

Is this normal, or is this a bug?


Those quests should be one after the other. The "have at least 20 residence level 22 or higher" may appear as either mainline or side quest ( I have had it as both, unsure which is correct) As it is decline-able it is likely one of the quests that appears based on triggers.

It sounds like the 20 residences is in your side quests so you either do it or decline it and go back to cycling though the side quests.


Mykan, you're right - I didn't notice the "decline" button in the "level 22 residences" quest ( my only excuse is that it's still early in the pre-dawn morning here, and I must need more coffee ). :rolleyes: