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Block button


Me and all the members of my fellowship would like a button on our wonders where we can block undesired players from from other fellowships from putting in KP. We are being harassed.


Harassing is not the same of someone receiving free KP. Harassing is someone writing you rude/nasty comments, bulling you or trying to defame you, the same as you tried to do writing someones fellowship name, that´s harassing not the same as receiving free kp.


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
@MagicTasha This is not something that our Developers would currently look to implement. As it stands the Open World allows all players to contribute towards Ancient Wonders to those who are within their Neighbourly Circle.

As previously mentioned by other members of the Forum, if you have Knowledge Point Swap Method within your Fellowship, this should stop any members (not of your Fellowship) gaining rewards that would otherwise go to your Fellowship Members.

I have explained previously that if you are unable to reach a mutually beneficial arrangement with the Players in question in game, I would refer you to our Support Team where we will happily deal with any complaints you may have.

Kind Regards



Me and all the members of my fellowship would like a button on our wonders where we can block undesired players from from other fellowships from putting in KP. We are being harassed.

This is something that's been asked for previously. It's not gonna' happen though :)

You could follow Herodite's suggestion and use FS for KP donations and squeeze out the 'interlopers'. Or you could wait until the AWs are full of KPs and hold off upgrading, leaving them for a week or two so your KP raiders get discouraged and go elsewhere. 'Not sure if that would work. But you can then use the extra KP on the Research tree ;)

Another option would be to send a mail message to those harassing you. Ask them nicely to please stop putting KPs on your AW. That would rely on their kindness and consideration, so may fail to have the desired result :p


I have explained previously that if you are unable to reach a mutually beneficial arrangement with the Players in question in game, I would refer you to our Support Team where we will happily deal with any complaints you may have.

I would like to know what Support can do against the players who are donating KPs to other players (who aren't in their FS nor NH).

Some players should understand once for all that donating KPs to other players (no matter if they are from other FS, if are neighbors or not) isn't against game's rules and is nothing you can do (except to act like an adult). Also saying that such players are harassing you ... :rolleyes: .... what an unfortunate choice of words.


Forum mod extraordinaire
Elvenar Team
@Alcaro I have referred them to Support to discuss any complaints towards specific Fellowships and Players (no matter the concern) we would prefer these conversations be had with Support than on the Forum :)

Kind Regards



hi @Herodite
my question was kind of rhetorical :D I don't really expect an answer, just pointing out the fact that the matter in question isn't illegal, it doesn't break any rule. :)