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Ancient Wonders AWs as a list


Click on the ancient wonder icon when in your own city. There will be a tick on the wonders you have. But, no, that doesn't show how well filled they are. That would be good.


But, no, that doesn't show how well filled they are. That would be good.
This does show up on the app in your own AW list. You'd think it should also be possible and rather easy to implement this on the browser version. Just like they should be able to implement a search function in the inventory screen, or enable us to 'hide buildings' when moving stuff around, but as we all know, they want to turn this game into a mobile version only game and hardly every really upgrade anything specifically for browser anymore...


I have raised this before. At the moment if I want an overview of all of my AW and what level they are at I have to go into Elvenstats and open Elvenarchtect, whereas for all my FS members I just have to go to the members list. My AW details should be in the same listing.