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Answered army not getting bigger

Sir Derf

What is you squad size? What is your training size?

What is the army quantity before collection, how much did you collect, and what is your army size after collection?


Master of the Elements
@owenej Do you mean that you've trained more troops, but the squad size in the next encounter remains the same? If so it will do until you unlock the next squad size upgrade in the research tree. What it does effect, however, is how many squads you have to throw at multiple encounters.

Deleted User - 1634960

The Army Camp (and the Battle Selection screen) show your troops as the number of complete Squads you have. The Training size can be much smaller than the Squad Size, so collecting a full Training Group may not have a major effect on the number of Squads you have. ;)


Master of the Elements
You can find the army camp by opening the barracks and going to that tab. If you see that you have, say, 10 squads of light melee, that does not mean you are able to put all 10 squads into one battle. It does, however, mean that you have the opportunity to go into a second battle, or to try again.

Also, hover your mouse over the troop type in the army camp (PC version only). There it will tell you the number of single units you have that make up that number of squads.