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Army Camp, squad counts display


I'd say that those of us in later chapters have outgrown the current display of the Army Camp tab on the unit training buildings. When it says >999x for almost every unit type, it tells me nothing when I'm trying to figure out what I need to train to keep my troops stock balanced:


Can we get at least another couple of digits please, or maybe change to displaying values over 999 with order of magnitude suffixes, like the game was recently changed to do for displaying our goods counts, e.g. showing "13856" or "13.8K" Archer squads is more useful than showing ">999x" squads is!

It's not the case that anything over 999 means we have plenty of units in stock so don't need to worry about exact squad numbers. Those stacks of >999x change quickly ever since the spire and tournament formula for squad sizes was changed to punish bigger cities. I can burn through thousands of squads in a single tournament if I'm inclined to do enough rounds (although, I'm often not so inclined as the formula is totally unfair for larger cities in later chapters, but that's another topic...).

I've had to resort to my own spreadsheet to keep track of my actual squad counts and its getting rather tiresome. :(


(although, I'm often not so inclined as the formula is totally unfair for larger cities in later chapters, but that's another topic...)
Surely I am not the only one who agrees with this statement. From memory, the topic has arisen a couple of times in the past twelve months. But it appears that nothing can (or will) be done. There is a saying in the corporate world: The floggings will continue until morale improves.