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InnoGames TV April Episode


Elvenar Team

InnoGames TV

Dear Humans and Elves,

Did you watch the April Fools’ version of InnoGames TV? If not, watch it here.

In the real April episode of InnoGames TV, game designer Timon unveils new information on their Ancient Wonders and Spring Event buildings. Starting soon, players will be able to improve the strength of their ancient wonders a second way: by improving certain things in their city. In addition, he shares how the Spring Event buildings will produce coins, goods, supplies and even battle units this year. On their end, Thi and Kai explain the new Spring Event, which is inspired by the famous cherry blossom festivals in Japan. Finally, Artist Camilo talks about Tribal Wars’ Tribe Skills. In the future, players will be rewarded with prestige for staying in a tribe.

Check out the April episode and give us your feedback! We’d love to hear from you in the discussion thread!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team