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Answered Ancient Wonders of the Orcs


Hi, the activation cost of Ancient Wonders of the Orcs is Shrom of Wisdom 2000
and Loot 3000. I'm limited at 1000 and 1600 each which would cost me 10180 diamonds
to enter Woodelves. My question is why am I limited and forced to buy diamonds in order
to continue, what am I doing wrong???

Deleted User - 106219

Upgrade your Orc Portal. It's as simple as that.

The Ancient Wanders tech of each Guest Race requires so many resources that you can only research it when your portal is upgraded to level 4.


Thx, I should have known! Didn't upgrade due to lack of space and forgot!:D


I would suggest that in every guest race all the buildings are upgraded to level 4, although timeconsuming at the beginning it makes getting through the tree a lot easier.