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All about Orcs


Forum Moderator
Elvenar Team
Have you finished your Fairy chapter and already finished the Orcs and Goblins Portal Site research? Congratulations, please meet the Orcs!

I would recommend researching the Swamp Trail and then the Mushroom Farms to start the production of your Mushrooms as soon as possible. Your Orcs will be hungry! If you then research the Squad Size Upgrade, you can continue with the research for the Armory upgrade. This is an essential part of the chapter because it turns your Armories into Breeding Grounds.

Human Armory.png

Human Armory (Breeding Grounds)

elven armory.png

Elven Armory (Breeding Grounds)​

You have the choice of 4 different durations for breeding Orcs: 12 hours, one day, two days, and four days. As usual, the shortest option will bring you the most amount, and this is also valid for breeding Orcs.

Breeding Menu.png

Soon you will need Orcs for fighting in Provinces, Tournaments, and The Spire of Eternity. Please note that if you do not want to breed Orcs, you won't be able to unlock more Provinces because, from your next chapter onwards, you will also need them for negotiating if you do not want to fight. Also, upgrading buildings can require Orcs, especially for your Military buildings and Workshops.

You might want to start with at least 3 Breeding Grounds (Armories) and increase their numbers over time to at least 5 Breeding Grounds (Armories). As soon as you have finished the Orc Style Training Grounds research, you can research the Orc Warrior and then the Orc Strategist.

Your Orc Warrior is excellent to fight Light Melee Units and outstanding against Heavy Ranged Units. His special abilities are Strike back and eventually Knockdown.
Orc Warrior.png

Your Orc Strategist is excellent against Light Ranged Units and very good against Light Melee Units. His special abilities are Strike back and eventually Head Hitter.
Orc Strategist.png

Helping with increasing the numbers of your Orcs are the Orc Nest and the Grounds of the Orc Strategist. Both buildings can be crafted in your Magic Academy. They do not take a lot of space in your city, and they are 4 x 2 (Orc Nest) and 2 x 4 (Grounds of the Orc Strategist).

At the end of the chapter Orcs and Goblins, you will research the Ancient Wonders of the Orcs and Goblins. Finalizing this research will give you access to the Heroes' Forge.


This Ancient Wonder will provide you with a specific (depending on its level) amount of Orcs daily. This might not be a lot, but don't forget: Every little bit helps. When you place the Heroes' Forge in your city, you receive a new Profile Picture:

Yes, these Orcs are not nice looking, but they have enormous weapons and like to smash.

Please note that this post is written based on the browser version of the game.


Forum Moderator
Elvenar Team
@Gargon667 the Shrine of the Shrewdy Shrooms does not produce Orcs and the profile picture is in my opinion a Goblin. That was the reason I did not write about this Ancient Wonder. I know that the Goblins are the only ones in that chapter that can handle the Orcs (with the help of some mushrooms) but once you have finished this chapter, you have to handle them Orcs yourself.


@Gargon667 the Shrine of the Shrewdy Shrooms does not produce Orcs and the profile picture is in my opinion a Goblin. That was the reason I did not write about this Ancient Wonder. I know that the Goblins are the only ones in that chapter that can handle the Orcs (with the help of some mushrooms) but once you have finished this chapter, you have to handle them Orcs yourself.
Goblins are still part of the family, they are the unpleasant and ugly cousins of the proud race of Orcs :D


That was a good tip about having up to five Armories. You can never have too many orcs. Provided that they behave themselves of course


Forum Moderator
Elvenar Team
@SkyRider99 more Armories (Breeding Grounds) might be even better, but it is a space question. Better to top them up with Orc Nests and Grounds of the Orc Strategist (that one helps with the training as they are already trained Orcs). I would go for both buildings because in higher chapters, you will need many Orcs for upgrading buildings.


Yep. I'm near the end of Ch XVII and just when I think I have enough (around 200K orcs), something comes up and destroys them. Tournament catering is good for doing that too!


That was a good tip about having up to five Armories. You can never have too many orcs. Provided that they behave themselves of course
I think it takes 13 armories (and a 21 Shrooms) to make the queue 20h long with lvl 31 FA/Needles :D. I don´t use factories a lot anymore (except T1 for FAs), so I have tons of space and pop. figured Orcs don´t decay either and they are harder to make than goods, so I go for that...


Forum Moderator
Elvenar Team
@Gargon667 which chapter are you in? I noticed today that the few negotiations I had to do in The Spire of Eternity did mostly ask for Sentient Goods, Mana, Divine Seeds and Orcs plus the usual coins and supplies, barely any standard goods. If this is the trend, I could think about to take some factories down.


@Gargon667 which chapter are you in? I noticed today that the few negotiations I had to do in The Spire of Eternity did mostly ask for Sentient Goods, Mana, Divine Seeds and Orcs plus the usual coins and supplies, barely any standard goods. If this is the trend, I could think about to take some factories down.

I am in 16. The biggest change in the spire in terms of which goods are asked for happens in chapters 13-15, so I guess that´s where you are? Since you add 3 new resources every chapter. It simply thins out the need for all the regular goods more and more.


I must admit, I have not trained any orcs in my 3 level 37 armories for an entire chapter (I am mid ch.17)....I have been gaining them through the 3 orc nests, 2 mausoleum weddings, 2 orc ships and the Witch's Hut I have in my city (presently have 1.7 million of them)......