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Spells A gold related spell


So since we have a spell for increasing tools made, increasing goods produced, one for increasing culture and one for the knowledge points.
We need one for gold.
So my suggestion would be something like the knowledge point one, one you activate over the entire city, giving a flat percentage bonus to gold making from residences (possibly Ancient wonder too), I'm thinking a percentage between 10 and 50 increase for 12 or 24 hours, as it could either overflow your city with gold if its too high or conversely it being useless if its too low.
I'd love to hear your thoughts.


An interesting idea indeed, just wonderring if it would be better as a tax spell, or as a help your neighbor bonus spell?


good idea only 10-50% would hardly be worth it. for me it would have to be either 100% or 200% like the supplies spell. spells take a long time to create anyway so its not like you can really abuse them. the only spell worth creating is the supplies one anyway. in comparison:

+200% supplies


+50% goods spell is terrible

the inspiring meditation spell only gives you an extra 10 points before the KP bar stops gaining kp. this is completely useless for most people as they will never let the bar get to 10 anyway.

+5% on neighbourly help boost for the other spell. need I say more? meh.

culture bonus is over rated anyway. the buildings take up far too much space and you keep needing more and more of it to sustain 170%, to a level which is just unjustifiable. I've even heard players on a "culture" build say they sit at 125%-150%. Now whats the point of that lol if you are doing culture youd have to be shooting for 170% imo. I have a low level town with 170% bonus and compared it to one with only 100% and the difference in goods/coins is miniscule. It doesn't take long at all before you drop to 160 and keep falling.

builders hut boost taking 10% off the time it takes to upgrade a building? meh waiting 9 hours or 10 hours? ill just wait another hour

imo main hall is easily the best one to have as a neighbourly boost
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